Monday, July 1, 2024

 pcr makes some excellent points here but remember that germany is an occupied country since 1945. if you doubt that consider their lack of response when the biden gang blew up their natural gas source which is sending the germans into the dark ages as it progresses destroying their industry;

The Anti-German Government which the German People Themselves Have Elected Has Declared its Loyalty to Immigrant-Invaders and Stands Against the German People

Paul Craig Roberts

In 2020 a 15-year old ethnic German female was raped by nine Immigrant-invaders in Hamburg, Germany. In response, a 20-year old ethnic German female citizen called one of the gang rapists a “disgraceful rapist pig.” The German citizen was sentenced to jail for defaming an immigrant-invader, a protected species under German law. The rapist was given a suspended sentence and served no jail time.

The question before us is: As the German government represents immigrant-invaders and not ethnic Germans, are the German people so brainwashed and indoctrinated that they will fight in defense of a government that does not represent them?

It could well be that the NATO army is empty. I cannot imagine Europeans fighting in behalf of any European or UK government. The ethnic populations of Europe have been abandoned by “their” governments.......

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