Monday, July 1, 2024

 must be an israeli morning as here's more on the 'jewish' question. few question anything about the 'jewish' question because others color our conclusions. if you look deeper and further then things don't add up. there is an ocean of evidence, for example, that israel in cooperation with the cia, did 911. the lavon affair, the uss liberty, and so on, with bibi's many quotes about how israel controls america;

Rabbis often say that antisemitism is the jealousy of those who have not been chosen by God — a kind of Cain complex.

French Jewish political advisor Jacques Attali proposes a subtler variation: antisemitism is resentment against those to whom we are indebted.[1] What do Christians owe to Jews? God, of course! Without the Jews, we would not know God, and we resent them for that.

I disagree. If the Goyim are ungrateful, that may be because, in the deepest recesses of their soul, they know they have been tricked. They have accepted from the Jews a phony God, a grotesque and malevolent forgery. Even worse, the Jews convinced them long ago to throw away the real thing that they had had all along.

We, Christians, have signed a civilizational contract that for two thousand years has prohibited us from accessing the idea of ​​God through reason alone, as the Greeks and Romans had taught us, and which instead requires our adherence to the Jews’ “revelation” that God is the god of Israel. The Jews thus stripped us of the most essential freedom, and obtained from us the recognition of their original metaphysical superiority, an unmatchable and unstoppable symbolic power.

The civilization of cunningness

We should have known better. It is clear enough in the Jewish scriptures that cunningness is the essence of Jewishness. It is by deceiving his father, his brother, and his uncle that Jacob became the eponymous founder of Israel (Genesis 25-36). John E. Anderson has tried to justify this Hebrew “theology of deception” in a book titled Jacob and the Divine Trickster (2011). How can God be “complicit in Jacob’s deception”? Anderson’s answer is that God had to be, for the higher purpose of “the perpetuation of the ancestral promise.”[2] But of course, the question itself is stupid unless, like Anderson, you are victim of the core biblical deception and take the biblical God seriously. If Yahweh is just “the god of Israel who pretends to be God”, then everything is perfectly logical: like god, like people, and vice versa.

The origin of this metaphysical trick seems to go back to the fifth century BC, in Babylon under Persian domination, when Ezra published the first version of the Tanakh (later revised by the Hasmoneans). As I showed in From Yahweh to Zion, the subterfuge is almost transparent in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah, in which the divinity called “Yahweh, the god of Israel” in the main body of the text, is called “Yahweh, the God of Heaven” in the fake edicts attributed to the Persian kings authorizing the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem: the implication is that the Zoroastrian Persians have been tricked into believing that the Jews worship the universal God.........more......

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