Friday, July 5, 2024

 the author calls this sixteen things that can bring us together, and i agree but doubt the convictions of enough to catch anyones attention, so call me cynical;

Americans are angry and divided - perhaps more than at any time since the Civil War.

Holding strong opinions, especially in defense of truth, is no vice.

But failing to bridge our differences and resolve them peacefully is no virtue, either.

Here’s my “to do” list if you want to be part of the solution instead of the problem.

1. Choose someone you disagree with and start a dialogue. Make friends, even if neither of you changes your mind.

2. Find common ground, avoid epithets, and presume goodwill on the part of others unless and until their actions suggest otherwise.

3. Embrace America as an imperfect, unfinished product—and one whose future depends on a respect for those principles that made it largely free and exceptional in the first place. No country is without flaws, and few countries in world history have accomplished as much for life and liberty as America.

4. Think twice before using political connections and influence to get something you can’t secure voluntarily from others in the marketplace. Cronyism diminishes respect for both you and for the free enterprise system it corrupts.

5. Judge every individual by “the content of his character” and the merit of his actions, not by the group to which he was assigned by birth, origin, faith, color, or politics.

6. Elevate the importance of personal character in your life. No society can flourish if it denigrates virtues such as honesty, humility, patience, responsibility, tolerance, courage, gratitude, self-discipline, and respect for the lives, rights, property, and choices of others.

7. Choose liberty over power and persuasion over force. Find ways in which you can leave the world not only a better place, but a freer one as well, for life without liberty is both unthinkable and unlivable............more.......

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