Saturday, September 23, 2023

the end is near, should you allow them to get away with it; 

America is in a fight for its very existence. The ruling class that controls almost everything in Washington, D.C., New York City and Hollywood is making an all-out push to eviscerate every vestige of Freedom and (real) Christianity in the United States. And that is not hyperbole. That is a fact. And the longer that the American people are not awakened to that fact only hastens the success of the tyrannical antichrist agenda being effectuated by the ruling class.

Investigative journalist posted a masterful missive that must not be missed:

The U.S. government was never meant to be an all-inclusive entity involved in almost every aspect of our lives, the way it is today. So how did we get to this point and what areas of our lives need to be taken back from the illegitimate claims of government in order for us to be able to say we live in a truly free country?

The video above [included in the article] got me thinking about all the things the U.S government has said it wants to ban, has already banned, or plans to ban but hasn’t told you yet.

Keep in mind that before the government moves to ban a particular item, it will use the corporate mass-media to put out propaganda attacking that item and how it’s bad for the environment or some other liberal cause. Often the item or product we are told we must use in place of the banned item is much worse for the environment.

So, in no particular order, here are 20 things that come to mind that are in various stages of being regulated, restricted or outright banned that the government has no business even being involved in..............more.........

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