Saturday, September 23, 2023

 when the biden thing destroyed europe's source of energy he did the same to europe. its just gonna take a bit longer than dynamite on a pipeline;

The unelected European Commission, committed to uphold “Western Values,” has issued a decree prohibiting Russians to bring personal items when they enter the EU. Although Europeans like the French, Germans, Italians, Poles and Hungarians, Russians can no longer come to an EU member state driving their own car, and they have to leave behind their laptops, mobile phones, shampoos and dozens of other necessary items. In what is essentially a demonstration of impotence, the political commissars of the EuSSR at Brussels have ordered the humiliation of any Russian who wants or needs to visit the EU.

Knowing the intellectual and moral level of the corrupt little woman that leads the Commission and of the other commissioners, this decision hardly comes as a surprise. She and the other commissioners are simply too dim-witted to realize that they have given yet another proof of their utter helplessness and incompetence. Most of all, the EU Politbureau is revealing a level of pettiness one only tends to find among preschoolers. It is the most convincing testimony of the collapse of the EU that has begun after the Russian invasion of the Ukraine in early 2022.

Against this background, the news from Europe suddenly becomes significant. Everything points to the accelerating speed of the political, economic, social and cultural collapse. Ironically, this process was initiated by the European ruling elites themselves, ultimately at the behest of their US overlords on the Potomac and Hudson Rivers.

The breakdown of Europe is apparent wherever one looks. There once was a time when trains in Europe, especially in countries like Germany and the Netherlands, ran on time and railway travel was reliable, safe and secure. Today, trains are suspended at random, and those that run, do so with long delays, to the effect that one does not know when one arrives at the chosen destination. Seating is often not available and at night, riding trains is even more of a gamble because passengers are at risk of being molested, abused and beaten up. Even more so in urban transportation, such as subways, buses and street cars......more........

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