Tuesday, January 19, 2021

 for years my conservative friends have been telling me about how librul/commie 'our free press' was/is, and i never saw it more clearly than in this last year, though for some time i didn't see it as much as they, now its so bad i can't/don't/won't watch it beyond a bit here and there to be aware of how much they're lying;

NPR recently aired a screed masquerading as news on the “demonstrations” that will mar the Usurper’s inauguration. The network alleged that after the “insurrection” on January 6, “law enforcement” is on high alert for “violence,” not only in DC but in the states’ capitals, too. Stern rulers warned that they will tolerate no rampages, and anyone planning to misbehave should realize that thousands of Leviathan’s enforcers stand ready to arrest him.

The New York Slimes broadcast similar, though shorter, propaganda over its former affiliate, WQXR. So did ABC News. You probably heard the same drivel from your favorite station, too.

Listening to these knuckleheads, you’d never suspect that most of the violence in DC came from the government. Its minion murdered an unarmed woman (though not an innocuous one: Ashli Babbitt’s libertarian ideals made her a threat to any Marxist regime!). But to hear the corporate media tell it, Patriots lust to imitate BLM’s riots from this summer. Ergo, we’re stockpiling arsenals and planning mayhem next week.

I don’t own a television; a gentleman who does tells me he’s noticed a comparable pattern there. He observes that

when the Marxist media and statist establishment want to target a victim, they have all kinds of fake “news” and documentary shows on TV.

For example, I noticed PBS and CSpan running over and over “documentaries” about the 1918 “flu pandemic” in February, perfectly prepping the population for what came soon after...........read more.......

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