Tuesday, January 5, 2021

 think of this essay as the companion piece to the catherine ann fitts interview published here yesterday. there is a movement by the ptb afoot which you can see everywhere though it ain't labeled as this writer does and if you think its obvious;

We are at war. Yes. And I don’t mean the west against the east, against Russa and China, nor the entire world against an invisible corona virus. No. We, the common people, are at war against an ever more authoritarian and tyrannical elitist Globalist system, reigned by a small group of multi-billionaires, that planned already decades ago to take power over the people, to control them reduce them to what a minute elite believes is an “adequate number” to inhabit Mother Earth – and to digitize and robotize the rest of the survivors, as a sort of serfs. It’s a combination of George Orwell’s “1984” and Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”.

Welcome to the age of the transhumans. If we allow it. That’s why vaccination is needed in warp speed, to inject us with transgenic substances that may change our DNA, lest we may wake up, or at least a critical mass may become conscious – and change the dynamics. Because dynamics are not predictable, especially not in the long-term.

The war is real and the sooner we all realize it, the sooner those in masks and those in social distancing take cognizance of the worldwide dystopian situations we have allowed to become our governments, the better our chance to retake our sovereign selves. Today we are confronted with totally illegal and oppressive rules, all imposed under the pretext of “health protection”. Non-obedience is punishable by huge fines; military and police enforced rules: Mask wearing, social distancing, keeping within the allowed radius of our “homes”, quarantining, staying away from our friends and families.

Actually, the sooner We, the People, will take up an old forgotten characteristic of human kind – “solidarity” – and fight this war with our solidarity, with our love for each other, for mankind, with our love for LIFE and our Love for Mother Earth, the sooner we become again independent, self-assured beings, an attribute we have lost gradually over the last decades, at the latest since the beginning of the neoliberal onslaught of the 1980s. Slice by tiny slice of human rights and civil rights have been cut off under false pretexts and propaganda – “security” – to the point where we begged for more security and gladly gave away more of our freedoms and rights. How sad.........read more.....

1 comment:

  1. This is my message in the words of another. I have long been saying we are at war but nobody listens to me. A badly needed Revolution that Will stop the Snake agenda in its tracks is not even on the radar. Instead people who should know better are crying about Biden stealing the election and saying that there is no hope now. This mentality is defeatist and pacifist and would have us all lay down and do nothing because Trump is not President when we should be fighting these Snakes in the streets. I preach a message of Revolution but it's ignored by these Trump supporters who see nothing of the big picture. Unless people get mad enough to fight for their freedom that the Snake is determined to take away then the Snake is going to win. Unless we fight against the Snake, we lose. Humanity needs leaders on its side to stand up against the Snake but where are they?
