Wednesday, January 6, 2021

 1984 is being installed as you fearfully do everything the tv tells you to do, and question nothing because some talking head told you not to;

Paul Craig Roberts

The accumulated evidence is overwhelming that Covid is an orchestration the purpose of which is to eliminate human autonomy and make the concept of freedom a dirty word that will bring you Covid illness and death.  

As physical currency is one necessity for human autonomy, globalists are working on its replacement with digital money. Paper currency, coins, money orders, and checks pass hand to hand and allegedly carry possible infection with Covid. In contrast, digital money is virtual.  No one touches it. More importantly for the globalists, It cannot be drawn out of an account in physical form and horded or hidden.  You cannot make anonymous payments with digital money.  Privacy leaves your life. You become totally transparent.

Some hope that people will have their own private digital money in the form of crytocurrencies. However, transfers can be prevented between an official digital monetary system and private crytocurrencies.  Moreover, private cryptocurrency payment of rents, mortgages, car loans, grocery store bills, and so forth can be banned and enforced.  A private cryptocurrency economy would have to operate outside of the official digital money economy. As the purpose of digital money is to eliminate human autonomy, such a parallel economy would be suppressed. 

The same goes for payments with gold and silver coins.  You could pay for a private service or for privately grown food from gardens if gardens are permitted in a world of artificial food made in factories, which is what the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” encompasses. But you couldn’t purchase a house or car or airline ticket with gold or silver. more.......

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