Tuesday, May 21, 2019

the khazar tribe converted as a unit to become jews in the seventh century, and now they act as if they were indeed actual semites but the ashkenazis they are can't be denied;

And you, son of man, will you judge, will you judge the bloody city? Then cause her to know all her abominations.” Ezekiel 22:2
All Empires throughout history have their foundation in war and blood.
The American Empire is no different.
With more than 1,000 military bases and installations spanning the globe and a foreign policy that causes almost every nation on earth to cower to its will, the United States of America is the most powerful Empire the world has ever known. But instead of being an Empire of benevolence and peace, the US has been at perpetual war and expansion since its creation.
Unfortunately for the imperial citizenry, warmongering and economic progress are anathema to each other. If economic progress leads to empire-building, sooner or later empire-building leads to economic catastrophe and bankruptcy; said woes are usually the upshot of foreign entanglements and unholy alliances that lead to unsustainable expansions and wars.
However, in the absence of such imperialistic formula, the opposite usually takes place.
When World War 2 caused the irrevocable dissolution of the Japanese and German Empires, the then emerging American hegemon quickly shackled these defeated countries with a trammel that paralyzed (and eliminated) their military machines which had facilitated their expansions. The happy result was that Japan became the economic power of Asia, and Germany that of Europe.
Today these two countries have more robust economies than the US. Both are major centers of technological achievements, years ahead of their American jailer.
Even China managed to surpass the US by becoming the No 1 economy in the world. That’s because China is not (yet?) building an Empire. Its focus is on profit, not war........https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2015/06/25/imperial-warmongering/

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