Wednesday, May 29, 2019

pcr describes our reality which flies in the face of those imposing it upon us;

White Peoples and Their Achievements Are Headed for the Trasn Bin of History
Paul Craig Roberts
The Western world is collapsing so rapidly that I am afraid that I am going to outlive it.
The Western presstitutes and politicians have demonized Putin, Maduro, Iran, and Trump to the same extent as the patriotic propagandistic Western court historians have demonized Adolf Hitler.  But no one is as demonized as white people, and the curious thing is that it is self-demonization—whites demonizing whites.  
One can understand why former British and French colonies from Africa through the Middle East to India, and Washington’s former colony in the Philippines and its Latin American puppet states would look with disfavor on white faces and use harsh language. But why do the New York Times, CNN, NPR, and white professors throughout the university system, school boards, white politicians, such as France’s Macron and the European Community’s  Jean-Claude Juncker and Germany’s Merkel and a wide assortment of British and Scandinavian politicians demonize white people? In Scandinavia  a blond woman who reports her rape by the latest wave of third world “migrants” invited into the country by the crazed Scandinavian politicians is dismissed as a racist.  Scandinavian people have told me that it is becoming difficult to report any crime by migrants as the report borders on being a hate crime.  
Why is fake history created in order to support this hatred of white people? Not long ago I wrote about a white man who wrote in CounterPunch that Robert E. Lee owned 200 slaves and enjoyed abusing them.  I pointed out that Lee spent his life, until Virignia’s secession, as a US Army officer fighting for the US empire against Mexico and against the native “Indians.”  He never had 200 slaves or a plantation. He was a US Army officer who was so highly regarded by Washington that he was offered a Union command when the North decided to invade the South in order to preserve the Empire. 
The fake history about Lee is just one example.  I used it because it demonstrates how outrageous are the lies that now comprise American “history.”  Despite being unattached to any known facts, they nevertheless get into history books.  .........

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