Wednesday, May 22, 2019

in line with the previous post comes this description of similar items here in the empire where there are at least two sets of rules and really there may be more;

Miss Tynes was right—no one is supposed to eat in the train—but her tweet set off an avalanche of accusations of racism. “Eating while Black,” sneered black University of New Hampshire professor Chanda Prescod-Weinstein.
The Root called Miss Tynes “Natasha the Snitch” and celebrated Black Twitter’s campaign of vitriol against her. The article was filed under the category: “Snitches Get Black Twitter Stitches.” “If, by chance, you are ever tempted to call the authorities on a black person for doing something that absolutely affects no one, such as eating or inhaling oxygen, ask yourself these three questions: 1) Why? 2) No, seriously. Why? 3) What the fuck, man? Why?” Michael Harriot wrote.
Mr. Harriot also complained that Miss Tynes had no tweets about “police brutality, racism or inequality.”
The outrage threatens Miss Tynes’s livelihood. On the very day of her notorious tweet, Rare Bird Books said it would not distribute her upcoming novel, They Call Me Wyatt. Rare Bird was appalled that anyone would mistreat a “marginalized” person: “Black women face a constant barrage of this kind of inappropriate behavior directed toward them and a constant policing of their bodies. We think this is unacceptable and have no desire to be involved with anyone who thinks it’s acceptable to jeopardize a person’s safety and employment in this way.”
The company urged Miss Tynes’s publisher, California Coldblood, to cancel the book. The publisher announced it would hold off on publication, noting: “We do not condone her actions and hope Natasha learns from this experience that black women feel the effects of systemic racism the most and that we all have to be allies, not oppressors.”
One of the ironies in this little flap is that Miss Tynes is Jordanian-American and markets herself as a “minority writer.” She has now learned that there is a hierarchy of non-white privilege and that her “minority” status was trumped by the queen of spades: a black woman.
One person who dared defend Miss Tynes was the popular Twitter account Unsuck DC Metro, which caustically recounts the many failures of DC public transportation. It wrote that the incident was typical of WMATA’s poor service and bad employees. Local reporters—who had previously used the account as a source—then doxed the account, which was run by a journalist at a prominent publication.
The message: Don’t you dare criticize black transit workers. They can break the rules, but you can’t. Keep quiet or you’ll lose your job. The WMATA union defended the black employee who ate on the train...........

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