Monday, November 19, 2018

here i post something i've been accumulating intending to use it in a submission to my local fishwrap;

"I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We the Jewish peopltere control America, and the Americans know it."  Ariel Sharon - Former Israeli Prime Minister- October 3, 2001- Just 22 days after 911

"It's a trick, we always use it. In Europe when someone criticizes Israel we bring up the Holocaust. In America when someone criticizes Israel we call them anti-Semitic." - Shulamit Aloni - Former Israeli Minister on manipulating critics of Israel

In a number of European countries it’s a crime to challenge the standard description on “the Holocaust”. Why should that be? You can in much of Europe stand in a town square and say horrible things about your own country but if you criticize the factual basis of one particular ‘event’ that took place in the 1940s you will go to jail.

Indians, Philippineos, Armenians, Iraqis, Jews, and Vietnamese are just some of the targets of genocide. The ‘free press’ has been content to downplay the Nobel peace prize-winning president’s numerous acts of violence, including the deaths of hundreds of children via American drone strikes, the arming of terror groups in Syria for geopolitical posturing, and his support for Saudi Arabia’s bloody, human rights-violating assault on Yemen. Speaking out against violence and disrespect has once again become trendy in the face of Trump. Millions of Americans lose their minds over unproven accusations against the target of the day and as they never knew history, accept what they’re fed.

The Holodomor is ignored, the systematic starvation of Ukrainian peasants, was largely perpetrated by Jewish Bolsheviks who were “Stalin’s willing executioners” as Jewish historian Yuri Slezkine refers to them in: The Jewish Century.

Over the years Jews have been forcibly ejected from more than a hundred countries. This might cause some to wonder if there’s a reason beyond prejudice.
Israel long claimed that its 1948 creation was on “a land without a people for a people without a land” and many still believe this myth. The land was originally inhabited by an indigenous population that was approximately 80 percent Muslim, 15 percent Christian, and a little under 5 percent Jewish. The Jewish State of Israel was created through the forcible ejection of about three-quarters of a million people.

It’s popular in the Empire to claim that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. Most have little idea to what extent this claim is disconnected from the reality of life in Israel. Israel is a de facto two-nation state which includes the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Half the state’s citizens are Jewish and half are Palestinian; there’s about 6 million of each. The Jewish half is privileged and enjoys social and civil rights, whereas most of the Palestinian half is under occupation and has no rights at all. This isn’t the way a democracy should behave.  This is supported by your taxes, the wars it creates, and acceptance of these policies.
In the occupied Palestinian territory Israeli violations of human rights include assassinations, murder, deportations, house demolitions, restricted mobility, extensive administrative detentions, torture and the creation of ethnically-sealed ghettos like the Gaza Strip. Insisting Israel has the “right” to exist amounts to saying it had the right to expel Muslim and Christian Palestinians in order to found a religiously exclusive state: apartheid.

The Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court (ICC) defines “the transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies” as a war crime. Israel took over the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem by military force in 1967 and has held it under military occupation ever since.
Israel is charged, regarding Palestinians, with “discrimination in access to education, health care, employment, residency and building rights. They also suffer from expulsions and home demolitions, which serve the Israeli policy of ‘demographic balance’ in favor of Jewish residents.”

“Some are more equal than others.” George Orwell.

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