Friday, July 19, 2024

 any victory of any measure is good for the 'great unwashed' as we prefer not to eat poison;

On July 10, an Oregon appeals court delivered a significant blow to Monsanto and its new owner Bayer AG. The appeals court overturned the corporation’s trial court victory in a case where Bayer sought immunity for Roundup because the product remains U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved. The EPA bases its approval of Roundup on studies that were financed by Monsanto, a blatant conflict of interest.

The EPA's handling of glyphosate and Monsanto's products has been a subject of intense scrutiny, riddled with regulatory failures and deceptive influence from industry stakeholders. Recent revelations of internal documents questioning the credibility of EPA assessments have further fueled public skepticism about the agency's impartiality in evaluating health risks associated with glyphosate.

Today, the cancer-causing properties of their Roundup weed killer are well documented. As lawsuits against Roundup mount, Bayer has been trying to convince regulators and legislators that they deserve immunity for their infamous herbicide. But the public isn’t buying their proposition and Bayer/Monsanto should not be above the law in a health matter that seriously affects farmers and essentially affects every person on the planet.

Bayer unable to bully the public and get blanket immunity for Roundup

During the trial, prosecutors identified procedural errors that led to the new ruling by the appeals courts. Specifically, the court found that the trial judge had wrongly excluded crucial evidence regarding the EPA from being presented to the jury. This exclusion potentially swayed the jury's decision against the plaintiff, highlighting the importance of a transparent presentation of all relevant information in legal proceedings that impact practically every person on the planet........more..........

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