Monday, July 8, 2024

the realities we're facing aren't even being presented on your tv in an honest fashion. i'd suggest that you ain't seen nothing yet, as the old saying goes; 

Millions of Americans will celebrate today with fireworks, food and family. Flags will wave, drums roll, trumpets blare. But what are we really celebrating and are we being real with ourselves?

I don’t sense that any of what we’re told about America and its “freedom” is real. I feel like our independence has been stripped away by the lures of convenience and promises of safety and security through mesmerizing technology. The very concept of freedom is no longer seen as an inalienable right, endowed by our Creator

Instead, we’ve allowed corrupt politicians and bureaucrats to tell us what we can say, do, and soon, even what we can think. We are left with the freedoms the elites at all levels of government, along with their corporate partners, allow us to have. We are overtaxed, overregulated and kept in our place. Even if you work for years to pay off your mortgage and own your home outright, you really just rent it from the local bureaucratic thieves, who take the bulk of that money and spend it on your local government indoctrination centers (commonly known as public schools).

And now the biggest freedom of all, the freedom to remain at peace with those around us, is about to be stripped away, at which time even the facade of freedom will disappear. We will be at war. And this time the war will not just be “over there.” The violence will come to our shores. For more on this, I recommend reading Martin Armstrong’s take on the current geopolitical situation in his July 2, 2024, article titled “Time to Call Putin’s Bluff,” from which I have provided excerpts below. Armstrong offers a brilliant response to the neocons in the Washington Uniparty who are pushing for World War III with Russia. His article is long but full of valuable lessons from history and well worth your time to read...........more.........

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