Thursday, July 18, 2024

the author labeled this post: for your consideration, which i find no reason to change; 

I want to point out that the government had intended to assassinate Donald Trump. Whether you believe God intervened should not be confused with the Biden administration’s action against the legal President.

There had been some (but not enough) discussion on the consequences of his assassination. I believe it would have started massive civil unrest allowing the administration to implement martial law. Whether they would have canceled the November elections is also a separate issue because the people now understand the concept of “two more weeks”.

As I have stated for months, the evil that dominates our country is backed into a corner. Their options are to assassinate Trump, start a civil or world war, or initiate financial collapse. They missed the assassination of the President and I do not believe that they will try it again. I do not believe a financial collapse will meet their needs to maintain tyranny.

So let’s concentrate on the war option. Based on the people’s recognition of how desperate the administration is, I do not believe a civil war will meet their needs. A world war is the only option left and they will go scorched earth which means a nuclear war.

I do not like scenarios but you have to realize the consequences of a nuclear war. We could meet the Deagel prediction of over 250 million dead Americans by 2025 if they “succeed”. Everyone needs to prepare for this contingency because evil in this country has no boundaries. Keep your children close, draw closer to the Lord and pray for His Divine Providence to meet our future.

David DeGerolamo..........more.........

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