Wednesday, July 10, 2024

 pcr testifies that the empire isn't the only corrupt 'voting' organization;

Hope Betrayed: The French Election

Paul Craig Roberts

I wonder if Putin is as disappointed with the outcome of the French election as I am. The first round of elections gave a large lead to Marine Le Pen’s French Nationalist party. Hoping this would carry through the second round, I saw hope in the idea that European peoples tired of the long domination by Washington of their politics were beginning to break free. Alas, it was nothing but a dream.

What changed so dramatically between the first round and the second round of the votes that reduced the French Nationalists from first to third in the final outcome?

Was the election stolen like the last two US national elections? Peter Koenig explains the theft:

Was the first round just a protest vote unintended as an indicator of a return to French nationalism last witnessed in France during the 10-year presidency of Charles De Gaulle? Le Pen’s nationalist party serves as the place voters register their protests at the ruling party. Although French voters are outraged at the transformation of France into a Tower of Babel, the French people have been successfully indoctrinated by Americans and by the EU to regard nationalism as Nazism. So they vote for French nationalism only as a protest, not as a solution to the ongoing gradual disappearance of the French nation.

Was the disappointing outcome a result of Macron’s establishment party coming together with the French left-wing to prevent a victory for French ethnicity? There are reports that Macron and left-wing party candidates that came in last in the first round dropped out in order to consolidate the vote against Le Pen’s party, which is called “far right.” It is the strange situation throughout Europe and the UK that any party that represents the ethnic basis of the country–British, French, German, Italian, Dutch, etc., is branded “far right.” For decades propagandists have identified ethnic nationalists with Nazis. Europeans are indoctrinated into this way of thinking, and no one wants to “vote like a Nazi.” Consequently, the ethnic nationalities that constitute European countries are unwilling to elect a party that represents them...........more......

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