Sunday, July 21, 2024

 things tend to get nasty when you deny reality and fight for an illusion, like in the ukies case;

You might have thought that the war in Ukraine was over given the limited media coverage it has received. However, the fighting continues, only with far less media coverage. That’s because Russia has thoroughly trounced the West’s proxies in the Ukrainian Army, just as it did in Syria against the Western backed anti-Assad forces.

This lack of media coverage for the conflicts in both Ukraine and Syria is no coincidence. It is an indication of how the Western mainstream media now works hand-in-glove with the Western military and intelligence apparatus.

While the west pumped billions in military aid to Ukraine and Syria, the western mainstream media sought to portray the anti-Assad forces in Syria as resisting tyranny, just as it cast Ukraine’s forces in a similar role.

The media’s portrayal of both conflicts was a complete misrepresentation.

Beyond the Western media spotlight, Ukrainian casualties continue to mount. In May Russia claimed that Ukraine had lost 111,000 men since the start of 2024.

That figure is a conservative estimate and the real figure could be much higher, although you might not realise that if you relied on the western media. Ed.

Ukraine loses more than 1,000 men in battle for single village

Joe Barnes – The Telegraph July 20, 2024.......more.......

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