Monday, July 8, 2024

 pcr sees trouble ahead no matter what but this election stuff is really gonna generate more;

The Role of Hatred in the Upcoming Election

Paul Craig Roberts

James Howard Kunstler explains how Democrats and media avoid truth by creating a false reality and end up believing their own lies. The entire purpose of Democrats and media is to deceive and to intimidate Americans into living in unreality and aiding and abetting their own demise.
Now that some of the presstitutes are admitting that they covered up for Biden in order to avoid helping Trump by telling the truth, what are the Democrats going to do? So far Biden is resisting his party’s effort to move him aside. But they will rather than lose power.

The Democrats in swing states have institutionalized the electoral theft mechanisms that they used in the 2020 and 2022 elections. For example, in Wisconsin the Liberal-dominated supreme court over-turned the ban on absentee ballot drop boxes. These boxes serve the purpose of permitting anonymous drop offs of invalid ballots that become part of the vote count. Everything is set up for the steal of the coming election. The problem is that Biden cannot run a close enough race for the Democrats to get away with it this time.

While some Democrats and presstitutes work to move Biden aside, others are reporting polls that have been rigged to show that Biden’s support has gone up and that Biden and Trump are now in a dead heat. Somehow Biden’s disastrous “debate” performance has raised his standing in polls.......more.....

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