Monday, July 22, 2024

 pcr presents what he calls his 'take on the assassination attempt';

My Take on the Assassination Attempt

Paul Craig Roberts

Based on the acoustic analysis presented by Mike Adams and Chris Martenson ( ), here is my interpretation of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

Adams concluded that the first three shots came from Crooks on the building roof. However, Adams later says he thinks shots afterward came from inside the building on which Crooks was perched. Adams concludes that the first three shots came from Crooks, because the calculated distance coincides with Crooks’ location. But shooters from inside the building would be at the same distance from Trump as Crooks.

Martenson provides evidence that the first three shots did not come from Crooks. He points out that the trajectory of the bullets was upward, not downward. Therefore, they could not have been fired from on top of the building.

Keep this in mind and remember the surprised reaction of the two police snipers who had been observing Crooks for 20 minutes prior to the shooting. When the first shots were fired, they jumped up and quickly repositioned their scopes. This suggests that they were surprised that the first shots did not come from Crooks but from a source they were not observing. It would be interesting to hear their explanation of their surprised reaction.........more........

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