Saturday, July 13, 2024

martin armstrong has a computer program, able to predict some future events, i've heard cost him prison time cause he wouldn't give it to the feds and now he gives us this; 

I cannot answer whether or not Joe Biden’s death will be the catalyst for the September 2024 panic cycle our computers have been forecasting for decades. The event in September will mark a global shift – perhaps and more likely a war. A few readers have written in to question whether this event could end up being the death of the Democratic nominee. After all, media outlets are in overdrive to push the Parkinson’s narrative, and one is led to believe that his condition is worsening by the day, given the sudden negative press. Even the most liberal of commentators are suddenly calling for Biden to step down, with new reports released each day detailing Biden’s declining mind.

The sympathy would certainly shift to the left in the event of the death of our nation’s president. Kamala Harris would take over for Joe Biden as the President of the United States. The Democrats do not want Kamala as their frontrunner or the face of the nation. Biden’s health is a valid concern given his current state.

According to law, the sitting president would need to pass before June of the next November election for states to postpone primaries and allow a new candidate to enter the race. However, if a candidate dies between now and the primaries, that candidate’s party could put forth a new presidential candidate. Yet, if the candidate is deemed unfit to run for office they could also shift their elect before the primaries. Could Biden replace his VP pick and then fall terminally ill? Absolutely. Kamala could be awarded a role such as Secretary of State or used as a scapegoat and they could replace her with someone like Hillary Clinton.

Joe Biden’s team is not willing to relinquish power just yet, but rest assured the Democrats want him out of the office before the election to prevent a Kamala presidency under the 25th Amendment, factoring in if the Democrats could even secure the election.

This happened in 1972 when George McGovern’s running mate, Senator Tom Eagleton, was forced to pull out of the race. Sargent Shriver was then selected by McGovern to replace Eagleton but had to receive the full support of the Democratic National Committee first. So, the party can bypass state, constitutional, and federal law to install their nominee. The Republicans and Democrats have different rules for doing so.

It is impossible to determine the catalyst event for specific Turning Points or dates that the computer cites. I’ve been proven wrong countless times when attempting to forecast based on my own personal opinion rather than the clear-cut method provided by the models. Could Joe Biden pass away near the September target? Perhaps.

Personally, I believe we are looking at something more along the lines of escalating warfare come September. The Democratic primaries ended on June 8 of this year. The Democrats have until August 19-22 to determine their formal nominee. Joe Biden won as a write-in candidate with no opposition. Joe Biden does not need to die for the Democrats to hand the nomination to another. The Biden camp is willing to admit he is unfit to run, still, that does not mean his party wouldn’t turn against him and force him to exit...........

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