Sunday, July 21, 2024

lets see the revelations on the orange man, and the deep state, neo-cons, so here they are; 

In my last two posts, I communicated some things that concern me greatly about Donald Trump. But in today’s post, in the interest of balance, I will point out one thing that I like about Trump.

Let’s first summarize Trump’s demonstrated weaknesses and then I’ll share what I think is his biggest strength. You are free to agree or disagree in the comments below the article.

In my first article, I pointed out how Trump is shaky on the Second Amendment and this is only one example of how he seems willing to compromise on major issues of importance to true conservatives.

He’s also compromised on the issue of life. Trump has basically, with nary a wimper from pro-lifers, transformed the Republican Party from a pro-life party into a pro-abortion party. Trump says it should be OK to kill a baby in the womb up to 14 or 15 weeks gestation. That’s nearly the entire first trimester of pregnancy in which a baby’s life is now free to take without the mother having a conscience about it, if we go by the Trump doctrine on life. This is basically where Democrats were on this issue in the 1970s and 80s but it sounds conservative now when Democrats are saying babies can and should be aborted during all nine months of pregnancy, if that’s what the mother wants. But just because you want to set a limit on when you can still abort a child is in no way, shape or form a pro-life position and it’s time we pro-lifers admit that we are simply choosing the lesser of two evils.

In my second article, I showed how Trump has a terrible sense of judgment in picking people for important jobs, like his choice for vice president and his choices for the Supreme Court and various cabinet-level advisory roles. Of his three nominees to the Supreme Court, for example, two of them are not very conservative at all. His vice presidential pick, JD Vance, shows Trump has zero understanding of technocracy, something that was obvious during his first term and the Vance pick shows he’s still clueless in this important area that the globalists exploit for greater control of we the people.

But now that I’ve gotten that off my chest of Trump’s faults, I’d like to point out his major strength. He is not a neocon. As such, Trump’s first inclination is always to avoid getting us into wars. This is good. Very good. I wish more politicians in both parties were anti-war. Being anti-war does not mean you are pacifist. Far from it. I believe Trump evaluates geopolitical situations with the mindset of what is in America’s national interest. Not, how can we further the interests of empire and the military-industrial complex, as so many politicians do.........more........

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