Monday, July 22, 2024

 pcr joins a growing chorus that insist that there were more than on shooter at the trump show;

Acoustic Evidence Proves Beyond All Doubt More Than One Shooter

Paul Craig Roberts

I and others have pointed out astonishing voids in the Secret Service’s protection of Trump. The voids are so egregious that they cannot be blamed on incompetence. Scott Ritter says that intent is the only explanation.

Now these conclusions are backed by acoustic evidence. The fact that bullets travel faster than sound means that the time between hearing the bullet pass the microphone and then the sound allows the calculation of the distance from which the bullet was fired. The time differences reveal different distances. Therefore the conclusion is unavoidable that there was more than one shooter.

Mike Adams walks us through one approximately 30 minute analysis, and Chris Martenson walks us through another 30 minute analysis.

Mike Adams concludes that there were 7 shots fired, 5 from the distance of Crooks’ location, and 2 from two different longer distances.

Martenson makes the point that the shot at Trump that hit a man in the upper row was traveling on an upward trajectory, which implies it did not come from the top of the building where Crooks was positioned.

The first shots are easy to identify. Some of the following shots are polluted with echos and require careful attention........more......

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