Thursday, July 25, 2024

its an interesting turn of events when the russians speak about obvious corruption in the empire which it won't admit; 

There needs to be an investigation into a possible conspiracy among American political circles and the media to manipulate the public’s perceptions regarding President Joe Biden’s health, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said.

Biden announced on X (formerly Twitter) that he would not seek re-election in November, less than a month before the Democratic National Convention was scheduled to start in Chicago.

Commenting on his announcement in an interview with Russian media, Zakharova noted that it was highly unusual to have just a screenshot of a letter posted on social media rather than a video or audio statement.

“In the modern world, filled with post-truth and deep fakes, it’s very important to leave no room for speculation,” Zakharova said.

Assuming Biden’s letter is authentic, as the US media – and the public alongside them – appear to have done, it “raises the question of investigating what I call the collusion of the American media with political circles, including officials and the so-called expert community, who hid the true state of affairs regarding Biden’s mental health,” she added.

Anyone who truly cares about free speech, transparency, and “our democracy” in America should support this, according to Zakharova.........

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