Sunday, July 14, 2024

 anything is possible but there are echo's of this in current events so you decide, as you will;

Twenty-one years ago German historian Wolfgang Eggert warned us that the Rothschilds belong to a fanatical doomsday cult that is instigating a world war to cleanse the world of non-Satanists

Historian Predicted Cabalist Plot to Exterminate Goyim in 2003

Lubavitcher tzaddik Menachem Schneerson (1902-1994) Left said Cabalists (Illuminati) would implement Biblical prophecy of Armageddon in order to hasten the return of the Messiah and establish Jewish supremacy.  

“All human history is about Messianic-satanic Judaism (“Chassidim”); they´re “making” it happen. History and politics are a big movie, and they are the directors, bringing old-testament-prophecy into reality.”

  Related-            Kabbalists Publicly Discuss Their Plot to Kill Millions

Updated from 2003............more..........

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