Friday, July 26, 2024

 this is one example among many of what 'our' government is supporting by all means available to it;

The screams rose to the skies. His mother heard them. She'll never forget them. A terrifying, well-trained dog tore into the flesh of her 25-year old son, who had Down syndrome. The dog ripped and tore and she could not save him. The soldiers drove the mother out of the house by force (an IDF spokesman, who has not lost his sense of humor even in wartime, said they "pleaded" with the family to leave), and she was forced to abandon her son to his screams.
The soldiers promised to call a doctor, but that was the last thing on their mind. They did not call a doctor, nor even a medic. They cleared out, leaving Mohammed Bhar to bleed to death. A week passed before the family could return home to see what had happened to their beloved – a young man who was photographed once as a relative compassionately gave him a drink from a bottle. They found his rotting body.
No one knows how long he took to die, how terrible were his torments and what went through his disabled mind. Someone said that before the dog attacked him, Mohammed tried to pet him. What does he know. The dog's handlers, apparently soldiers from the lauded Oketz unit, which holds emotional, well-publicized burial ceremonies for each dog killed in battle, abandoned Mohammed to die. They heard his screams and did not lift a finger...........more........

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