Tuesday, July 23, 2024

 'our' government, owned and operated by israel, by their own admission and the obvious obsequious behavior of 'our' elected officials will be further advanced by the kamala who will not present any thing but more of the same, or worse, till israel and/or the empire collapse, which may be soon;

President Joe Biden, the principal supplier of weapons to Israel for the Gaza genocide, will not be president beyond January 2025.

He announced Sunday he will not contest the November 2024 election with former President Donald Trump.

It’s now almost certain that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will outlast the American president who did so much to assist Israeli war crimes even as support from the progressive base of the Democratic Party cratered.

Due to Biden’s illness with COVID-19, whether the two men meet this week when Netanyahu visits Washington remains to be seen. Harris, for her part, is expected to meet with the Israeli prime minister.

There may be a shift in rhetoric from her, but the substance of rock-solid US support for Israel and its actions is not expected to change.

Netanyahu, who heads an apartheid state, will be in Washington to address a joint session of the US Congress on Wednesday. Israel’s apartheid and occupation practices did not nix the bipartisan invite.

This will mark Netanyahu’s fourth such speech, surpassing fellow Palestinian hater Winston “barbaric hordes who ate little but camel dung” Churchill.

The International Court of Justice on Friday spelled out Israel’s apartheid status and “illegal presence” in the occupied West Bank and Gaza.

The vast majority of Washington politicians don’t care enough to stop the US weapons flowing to Israel. Democrats who eventually denounced apartheid South Africa, largely want no part of doing the same with apartheid Israel.......more.........

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