Sunday, July 21, 2024

 i don't believe that acting president reagan or the decider ever invited such vitriol as we see aimed at the orange man. reagan like the orange man wasn't of the 'club' and so the blob, like all anti-bodies attacked anything foreign to the organism. it may be we're coming down to fish or cut bait in the looming black cloud of antipathy for the 'other' or in this case, red or blue, which i suspect will be the color base of the flags we'll see in the probable civil war on the horizon. we're promised that 'time will tell';

The language of politics is nasty and in recent years it’s become extreme. Many even link the assassination attempt on Donald Trump to the rhetoric that’s enveloped this presidential election. We won’t go that far, as vile language does not equal assassination attempts and free speech deserves to be fiercely protected, no matter how offensive it may get between politicians.

But what can’t be ignored is the damage done to the social fabric of the nation by the name-calling that condemns massive swaths of the American population as racist, fascist or a “threat to our country,” which our own governor is guilty of doing. In the last two years, Gov. J.B. Pritzker has increasingly betrayed his own ideology of “inclusiveness” with a growing attack on nearly half the country. His vitriol has become destructive.

Gov. Pritzker is a leading voice in today’s Democratic Party and a major surrogate for President Biden and his own messaging. Pritzker’s words matter. When he calls Trump a “threat to our democracy” and accuses him of fascism and authoritarianism, Pritzker knows he’s effectively labeling the 70 million-plus MAGA Republicans the same because of their support for Trump. It’s not the name-calling itself that matters, but rather the impact such language has on the left. Pritzker is telling his half of the country there should be and can be no compromise, no cooperation with the other “fascist” half. It’s polarizing to the extreme...........more.......

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