Saturday, July 27, 2024

 pcr calls this essay the same thing i might in saying the usa is gone;

USA as I knew it has passed into the trash bin of history

Paul Craig Roberts

Kamala Harris says she has raised $230,000,000 in campaign funds from rich American liberals. Why are rich American liberals so determined to have Kamala as President of the United States?

One reason could be because she, unlike Trump, is easily controlled, so the explanation is the rich are electing their own self-interests.

But are they? The Democrats’ have two agendas: One is to normalize and legitimize sexual perversity. The other is open borders. To put it in different words, the Democrats are devoted to transforming traditional America into a Sodom & Gomorrah Tower of Babel.

Does this serve rich liberals’ interests beyond providing them with a servant class?

The main benefactors are sexual perverts and immigrant-invaders.

Do rich liberals prefer their genes not to be passed on because their transgendered kids are unable to procreate and are made infertile by Covid vaccines and a variety of testosterone-inhibitors that leave even young men unable to have a natural erection?

Their politics suggest that the interests of the rich liberals diverge from their heirs, the future of their country, and their self-respect. Everything with which the rich liberals are involved–Diversity, equity, and inclusion, global warming, globalism, the WEA’s Great Reset–undermines their commitment to their country. Rich liberals see America as a resource to be used in behalf of “larger agendas.”

So where does America’s leadership class come from?.........more..........

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