Wednesday, July 3, 2024

 fourteen minutes with officer tatum refuting charges of racism on the orange man with lots of evidence;


 six minutes with officer tatum on racism and life without it;


 two minutes with jimmy dore on reading;


 so does this incident lead you to be suspicious of 'legal' actions in california, or could it be reinforcement for your measure of the state's government activities;

There was an incident in California where a man was detained and cited for eating a sandwich while waiting for a train. The incident occurred at the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Pleasant Hill platform. The man, identified as Steve Foster, was confronted by a transit officer named D. McCormick. Foster’s video of the encounter went viral, drawing significant attention and prompting a protest............more..........


 caitlin sees some concern about sloe joe's state of mind, and potential legal troubles for presidents, and then there's this pesky genocide we must ignore;

Guess they’ll have to release all those former US presidents who’ve been imprisoned for their war crimes and crimes against humanity now. Thanks a lot, Supreme Court.

Everyone’s acting shocked and outraged at the Supreme Court ruling that Donald Trump and other former presidents are largely immune from criminal prosecution, as though presidents getting prosecuted for their crimes is something that’s been happening this entire time.

It’s like oh wow you’re saying powerful people won’t have to abide by the same rules as normal people in America anymore?

Guess they’ll have to release all those former US presidents who’ve been imprisoned for their war crimes and crimes against humanity now. Thanks a lot, Supreme Court.

Those obvious dementia symptoms are not dementia symptoms.

That obvious genocide is not genocide.

Those obvious war crimes are not war crimes.

Those obvious NATO provocations are not provocations.

This obvious dystopia is not a dystopia.

This obvious propaganda is not propaganda.

It’s hilarious how the liberal commentariat is freaking out not because their president is a dementia patient but because they’re not sure if a dementia patient can win an election............more.........

 it seems that some of our political members have an issue with the first amendment which says you shall make no law interfering with free speech, period;

Anyone paying attention already knows that the left thinks the First Amendment goes too far.  And by going too far, they mean letting conservatives share their opinions and hamstringing the government’s ability to crack down on speech they don’t like.

And they have no problem, or shame sharing, this publicly for all the world to see.

Tim Wu, a Columbia law professor who served on the National Economic Council during both the Obama and Biden administrations, wrote an op-ed for The New York Times literally titled “The First Amendment is Out of Control.”

His piece argues that  American judges have twisted the First Amendment into “an all-purpose tool of legislative nullification that now mostly protects corporate interests.”


He writes, “Monday’s Supreme Court decision in the two NetChoice cases” have added to complications with the First Amendment by viewing social media company algorithms as equivalent to “expressive decisions made by human editors at newspapers.”

To leftists like Wu, the First Amendment has outlived its usefulness and purpose because it can’t silence speech he doesn’t like. He sees 1A as a “barrier” to government action and overreach.

Isn’t that a good thing?

InfoWars reports:...........more........

 what a curious thing to say i imagine some would say after reading this;

A delegate for President Joe Biden’s reelection effort warned on Monday that black women will abandon the party if Democrats replace the presumptive nominee with another “white man” instead of Vice President Kamala Harris.

{snip} Areva Martin, an attorney and California delegate for Biden for President, said on “The Stephen A. Smith Show” that Democrats should “stay the course” with the president and that passing over Harris with a “white man” would be a dealbreaker with black female voters.


{snip} “{snip} If you pick a white man over Kamala Harris, black women, I can tell you this, we gon’ walk away,  we gon’ blow the party up.”


“Joe Biden is not just the president; there’s a whole team of people, there’s an administration,” she added. “So if Joe Biden, when he gets reelected, which my prediction is that he will, he brings with him Kamala Harris, the most diverse administration in the history of this country. Y’all need to just stay the course. We got more black judges appointed under Joe Biden than anyone, even President Barack Obama.”..........

 this x post from kim dotcom;

The worst is yet to come. The Democrats conspired with the deep state to rule America forever. They implemented a totalitarian system of mass surveillance, censorship and propaganda for that reason. They made deals with the owners of big tech to safeguard their monopolies in exchange for integration into the surveillance and censorship state. They control the media and most online channels. They want to disarm the citizens, ban independent crypto and install a state controlled blockchain with a social score system to keep the public under control. You won’t have means to pay for anything if you disobey. They imported millions of new voters through open borders and propped up the LGBTQ movement to stay in power. 86% of LBGTQ vote Dems and close to 100% of legalized immigrants will vote for the party that pays and protects them and not for the party that wants to deport them. The Democrats want absolute power. They will execute this plan by all means. If they fail they will face serious consequences. They fear Trump and his revenge. But most of all they fear the American people when the inevitable economic collapse arrives. The elites, their puppet politicians and the media propagandists will be pay with their blood for ruining the United States. Living the rest of their days in a 5-star nuclear bunker and blaming Putin for the end of the world may be the best of their options. The worst is yet to come............

 five minutes i haven't watched yet but it just feels like it belongs here though it carries a language warning for those squeamish visitors among the readers. just watched and agree with first impression. its spot on;




 things are unsettled we see here in israel and that leaves us unclear on how to set our bets for new developments;

Today’s story in the NY Times, which details a growing clash between Israeli Generals and the Netanyahu government, comes on the heels of a similar report last week in the Washington Post. According to the NY Times:

Israel’s top generals want to begin a cease-fire in Gaza even if it keeps Hamas in power for the time being, widening a rift between the military and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has opposed a truce that would allow Hamas to survive the war.

The generals think that a truce would be the best way of freeing the roughly 120 Israelis still held, both dead and alive, in Gaza, according to interviews with six current and former security officials.

Underequipped for further fighting after Israel’s longest war in decades, the generals also think their forces need time to recuperate in case a land war breaks out against Hezbollah, the Lebanese militia that has been locked in a low-level fight with Israel since October, multiple officials said.

Wow! There is a dose of bad news. When your army is “underequipped” and exhausted, the last thing you want to do is start a new offensive against a military force that is well-equipped and rested. That would be Hezbollah. Last week at this time I was genuinely worried that Israel would make good on its bombast and launch itself into southern Lebanon. Now, in light of this information, I no longer think an Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon is imminent. This does not mean that Israel will relent in its aerial bombardment of suspected Hezbollah enclaves, but a bombing campaign will not defeat the ground force that Hezbollah has in place to confront an Israeli attack.

Consider this — Israel claims that after almost eight months of unrelenting destruction of Palestinian homes, schools, hospitals and businesses, it has killed 14,000 Hamas fighters. I have no way of judging the accuracy of that claim. Well, here is another number — 100,000. That is the estimated size of the Hezbollah army and they are well-secured in heavily fortified bunkers waiting for the Israeli promised offensive. Since Israel has been unable to defeat and destroy Hamas guerrillas after eight months of brutal fighting, how does it propose to vanquish a real Hezbollah force staffed by combat veterans who have spent a decade fighting ISIS in Syria?

Maybe that is why senior Israeli officers are saying the following:..........more.........

 this is indeed sain't obama's third term. will he manage a fourth? i saw a comment yesterday in which said obama hoped in some way he could have a third but would need to be behind the scenes, as we see here now;

The tip of the Lawfare spear consists of a small group of former DOJ attorneys and Main Justice leftists who helped AG Eric Holder create the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) when it was formed on behalf of President Obama.

Lawfare, writ large, are a tribe of leftists who strategically weaponize the justice systems within the DOJ.  They are also the main guides, strategists and legal analysts who previously used Robert Mueller and currently use Jack Smith.

The tribe is led by a trio of fellow travelers: Mary McCord, Norm Eisen and Andrew Weissmann.

If you research the group, you will discover that Mary McCord sits at the center of every attack approach deployed against President Trump {CITATION}.  The influence of McCord cannot be overstated, while gender fluid leftists like Eisen, Weissmann (and others), wax philosophically about which statutes can be twisted and interpreted to assist their Lawfare strategy du jour..........more.........

 pcr continues to write about the madness we see daily and here is todays edition;

The Supreme Court Ruled Not for Trump But for the Office of the President

Paul Craig Roberts

The US Supreme Court has ruled that a president has immunity for official acts, but not for personal acts. Which is which will be a contentious issue. For example, if a president were to have the CIA, FBI, or Secret Service murder a political rival that would be a personal act. But when President Obama had the US military murder a US citizen suspected of being a terrorist, it was an official act.

But was it? The justification for the murder was suspicion alone, a bare-faced accusation unconfirmed by a trial and therefore in violation of due process. Has it ever been established that it is an official act for a president to have a US citizen murdered without due process? Perhaps it has happened secretly by the CIA but my impression is that President Obama’s murder of the Muslim religious leader who was an American citizen was the first public murder without due process and conviction delivering a death penalty.

Nothing was made of the murder because Americans had been indoctrinated with fear of Muslim terrorists and regarded the murder as an act of war.

When vice president Biden bragged on TV that he forced by withholding billions of dollars in US aid from the Ukraine government unless it fired the prosecutor investigating the Ukrainian company that paid his son $50,000 a month as a director, was it an official act or a personal act? Why has there been no investigation of this self-serving use of presidential authority?

The Supreme Court majority emphasized that a president must have immunity for official acts or he can be stopped by law suits and politically motivated charges from performing his designated functions. In other words, the Court’s decision is based on elementary common sense.........more........

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

just found and haven't explored at all but it appears to be a deep exploration of all too many false flags. oklahoma city bombing is where this begins in my discovery with this thirteen minute redacted link;

The Pyramid of Power is a brand-new 17-part documentary series focused on answering the question: Who rules the world?

Journalist Derrick Broze examines the institutions and individuals who attempt to manipulate our world for their own benefit.

Brought to you by The Conscious Resistance Network.

 twelve hilarious minutes with officer tatum and 'racism' turned inside out by this former cop. his commentary is spot on. i usually have a twenty four post personal limit on blog postings but these last three just had to get on today;


 almost nine minutes with paul joseph watson on the ongoing and upcoming incredible goings on in france, presented with masterful sarcasm as he can do well;


 almost nine minutes on where the 100,000 missing children are, and why, enabled by who;


 i seem to remember when situations like this were called a mexican standoff, though that could be a prime example of hallucinations or even flashback;

Donna Brazile, the former interim Democratic National Committee chair, issued a blunt warning to Democrats thinking about passing over Kamala Harris as a replacement for Joe Biden should he withdraw from the Democrat presidential nomination, “How the f*** are you going to put all these white people ahead of Kamala?”

Brazile made the comment in an interview with CNN about the nightmare scenarios facing Democrats since Biden’s presidency ending debate performance against President Trump Thursday night in Atlanta.

CNN laid out what ‘terrified’ Democrats and Brazile were saying about the party’s options (excerpt):

More than two dozen top Democratic officials, political operatives and donors tied to Biden and to many of the people most discussed as potential substitutes – many of whom asked for anonymity to discuss the most politically fraught situation most have ever encountered – say they’re terrified by nearly every scenario: Going forward with Biden, a Kamala Harris nomination, a nomination of someone else who would in that case have beaten the first Black female vice president, long nights of multiple ballots spilling ideological and personal feuds on national television, even just revelations of embarrassing details about people who have never been vetted by a national campaign.

“It would be a Category 5 hurricane,” said one top Democratic official nervous about Biden considering what would happen if the president stepped aside. “People don’t understand the sheer destruction that would be unleashed.”

…Even as minds turn to a list that includes Harris, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Whitmer, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly, Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and even relatively new Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and Maryland Gov. Wes Moore, none have gone public with anything but words of support for Biden. They worry about being called traitors. They worry that it might make Biden dig in more......more.....

in germany these days its a greater crime to criticize the criminal than it is to do the crime and provides a longer sentence. how long before we have the same thing here, though if the dumocorps have their way with us, it won't be long imagine; 

Germany's twisted justice system is currently on the world's radar as a 20-year-old woman was sentenced to a longer prison term than a group of men who were convicted of gang-raping a 14-year-old girl in Hamburg.

Last week, the woman was sentenced in the Wandsbek district court for "insult and threat" due to a message she left one of the rapists, calling him a "dishonorable rapist pig" and a "disgusting miscarriage" and also asking him: "Aren't you ashamed when you look in the mirror?" The woman did not know the perpetrator but saw his number circulating on the web after it was leaked by internet sleuths trying to mete out extrajudicial justice in the wake of the lenient verdict.

Due to the conviction, the woman was forced to spend a weekend in prison, which was more prison time than any of the foreign perpetrators received.

The brutal gang rape happened back in 2020 when the teenager was assaulted by nine men in Stadtpark, a place that was a popular spot for teens to hang out during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdowns. When the men isolated her from any other people in the park, the first group of four men raped her. They also robbed the girl of her phone and wallet. After that, the second group took over. The men then invited other groups of men via group chats, explaining where the girl was and that there were no witnesses near the defenseless victim. In addition, the rapists began sharing videos of their sexual assault, which the police were unable to recover, but which witnesses later described in court.

Two men came and raped her too then a single man arrived and did the same. The teen's ordeal still was not finished as a fourth group consisting of three men arrived and raped her as well. The child managed to break away and ran, though pursued by her rapists. Eventually, she came across people who recognized her traumatized state and immediately called the police. .......more........

war crimes daily under the zionist regime that has no respect for anyone and perhaps even themselves; 

The director of Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital, who had been detained by Israeli forces for more than seven months, says he was put through “severe torture” during his detention in Israeli prisons.

Mohammed Abu Salmiya was among more than 50 Palestinians released and returned to Gaza, according to a medical source in the besieged territory.

Salmiya told a press conference on Monday that detainees “are subjected to all kinds of torture,” in Israel’s prisons and detention centers.

“There was almost daily torture. Cells are broken into and prisoners are beaten.”

“Several inmates died in interrogation centers and were deprived of food and medicine,” the hospital chief said.

Salmiya said the regime’s prison guards “broke his finger and caused his head to bleed during beatings, in which they used batons and dogs.”

According to him, the Israeli regime’s medical staff at different detention facilities had also taken part “in violation of all laws.” ......more.......

 i don't usually pay attention to these hitler things but this three minute one about the 'debate' may well sum it up;


 caitlin shows a few details on why the empire is a hypocritical regime that practices what it invades others for doing;

“All of Israel’s air power is based on the American commitment to defend Israel. We have no other reliable source for essential supplies of equipment, munitions and advanced weapons that Israel cannot manufacture on its own.”

Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert has been launching a forceful attack on Benjamin Netanyahu in both US and Israeli media for sabotaging peace in Gaza and pushing Israel to the brink with Hezbollah in Lebanon, during which he inadvertently made an interesting acknowledgement which flies in the face of the Biden administration’s feigned powerlessness to rein in Israel’s insanity.

“I accuse the prime minister of Israel of a deliberate attempt to destroy the political-security-military alliance between Israel and the United States,” Olmert writes in an op-ed for Haaretz titled “I Accuse Netanyahu of Betrayal”.

“For many years, Israel’s political stability in the international arena rested on the absolute support of the United States,” writes Olmert, adding, “The entire Israel Air Force relies completely on American aircraft: fighter planes, transport planes, refueler planes and helicopters. All of Israel’s air power is based on the American commitment to defend Israel. We have no other reliable source for essential supplies of equipment, munitions and advanced weapons that Israel cannot manufacture on its own.”......more......

 amazing chinese public city center;


 from tucker;


 the biden has always been hypocritical scum and here's something of a recap;

I get complaints from people that I concentrate too much on Donald Trump. Basically, the message is, “But what about Biden?” I do write more about Trump, because he’s the face of the perceived opposition. The only Emmanuel Goldstein in town. I assume everyone reading me understands just who and what Joe Biden is.

But people might not remember quite everything about Joe Biden’s lengthy career as a beloved resident of the Washington, D.C. swamp that Trump promised to drain. Biden was first elected as a U.S. Senator from Delaware in 1973. Even I was very young then. In 1981, the great “liberal” senator strongly supported the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, passed in the wake of CIA whistleblower Philip Agee’s disclosures about the Agency is his best-selling book Inside the Company. Biden declared that “I do not think anybody has any doubt about Mr. Agee. We should lock him away in my opinion.” The good senator really liked locking people up, it seems. As a strong supporter of the 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act, he took credit for a draconian provision that mandated a five year sentence for possessing small amounts of crack cocaine.

Little did Biden know that, decades later his own troubled son Hunter would be caught with enough crack cocaine to garner a long prison sentence under the original 1986 Act, which was softened a bit in 2010. With every ounce of “liberal” ardor that he could muster, Biden bragged at the time, “If you have a piece of crack cocaine no bigger than this quarter that I’m holding in my hand, one quarter of one dollar, we passed a law — with leadership of Sen. Thurmond and myself and others — a law that says: you’re caught with that, you go to jail for five years. You get no probation, you get nothing, other than five years in jail. Judge doesn’t have a choice.” Senator Biden also authored the horrendous 1994 crime bill which featured “three strike you’re out” and mandatory sentencing, significantly increasing the prison population.

A JFK assassination researcher attended a Joe Biden seminar in 2005. He was able to briefly question Biden about the assassination. As recounted on a discussion forum, this was the short conversation: “Senator Biden, do you believe JFK was killed as a result of a conspiracy?" Answer:  "No." "So do you believe that Lee Harvey Oswald, alone and unaided, killed President Kennedy?" Answer:  "Yes." This is hardly surprising, of course, but reflects Biden’s ironclad establishment mindset. In 2019, the American Prospect published a piece headlined, “Joe Biden’s Love Affair With the CIA.” Biden was very helpful to Reagan’s CIA Director William Casey, who praised him in a classified early 1980s memo to his intelligence staff. Biden would state, in a speech at Stanford, that the intelligence community had been compromised by leaks........more......

 vickie is a bad girl but her efforts gets the putin blamed, but then again this is a long and deep subject. this from martin armstrong;

I was concerned that either Ukraine would do something stupid and assassinate Putin or he would yield to his critics. It seems the second option was the outcome. His critics have long held that he should have just invaded Ukraine and conquered it like the US did with Iraq and then release Ukraine after eliminating the anti-Russian faction.

Putin did not want to appear to be an invader and termed it a special operation to defend the Donbas. It was Victoria Nuland who installed an UNELECTED government and then instructed them to attack the Donbas to start this civil war and call them “terrorists” because they wanted to separate from Kiev. This article is from April 2014.

What I find really disturbing is how the press has rewritten history and now ignore all the facts to paint Putin as evil when Nuland started this war to draw in Putin.......more.....

i admit it, i'm an election denier. and don't forget that i haven't had a president since november sixty three. of course this will result in a long time in the dungeon but so it goes. this article is long and i've only had time to skim it but if you have the time and patience i suspect you'll learn many things you'd wish weren't so, and could be again this november, if we even have a 'selection';

 Editor’s Note: There have several high integrity investigative reports issued since Election Day 2020 which categorically prove that Joe Biden stole that election.  For example: ‘How The Georgia Vote Was Stolen’.

Then there is the highly authoritative report by former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne which reveals many the nitty gritty details about how the Democrat Party systematically stole that election. See: WE CAUGHT THEM! FORENSIC EVIDENCE PROVES 2020 ELECTION WAS 100% RIGGED.

Let’s not forget this bombshell disclosures which exposed the foreign plot to steal the election for Joe Biden: Two million votes in 2020 election were electronically flipped by overseas hackers.

Lastly, there is this: Forensic Analysis of the 2020 POTUS Vote Proves the Election Stolen, Every Major Voting Metric Indicated a Trump Win

N.B. Of course, perhaps the most accurate and factual of all the 2020 post-election studies and research projects confirming a massive nationwide election fraud is the following irrefutable statistical analysis.  This kind of hard data simply doesn’t lie, and tells the raw truth quite conclusively: The Democrats stole the 2020 POTUS election.


A Precise Statistical Analysis Categorically Proves
POTUS Imposter Joe Biden Stole the 2020 Election

SOTN Editor’s Note: There are many types of evidence that can serve as categorical proof of a crime or crime spree.  There are at least 17 types of evidence which can be used in a legal context to both indict and convict a criminal or crime syndicate as the Democrat Party has become.  As follows:

Direct evidence
Circumstantial evidence
Physical evidence
Individual physical evidence
Class physical evidence
Forensic evidence
Trace evidence
Testimonial evidence
Expert witness evidence
Digital evidence
Documentary evidence
Demonstrative evidence
Character evidence
Habit evidence
Hearsay evidence
Corroborating evidence
Statistical Evidence...........more.....

 thirty second x video on elder abuse;



 gaza isn't the only place the zionists are raging doing exactly what the empire would condemn and perhaps even 'intervein' in;

On Monday, July 1, the Palestinian Ministry of Health announced the killing of a child and a woman and the injury of 4 Palestinians by the bullets of Israeli forces during a raid on Nur Shams refugee camp and Tulkarem refugee camp in the northern West Bank. 

During the raid, which started on Sunday, June 30, Israeli aircraft bombed a house in Nur Shams, assassinating Saeed Ezzat Jaber, 24, one of the leaders of the Nur Shams Brigade. 

The Nur Shams Brigade is an armed resistance group affiliated with the al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

“They cannot overpower us on the ground, so they resort to bombing and missiles with warplanes,” a member of the Nur Shams Brigade told Mondoweiss. “My message to the occupiers is that if they fight us from the sky, we will come out to them from below the earth.” 

On Sunday afternoon, the Israeli aircraft bombed a house in the Al-Manshiyya neighborhood in Nur Shams refugee camp in Tulkarem, resulting in the killing of a young man and the injury of five others, two of whom are in critical condition.

Meanwhile, the Israeli army radio reported that a drone bombed an apartment it had been monitoring for some time, believing that members of the Nur Shams Brigade had been present. Local sources, however, said that the bombing was carried out by a missile from an Israeli warplane and that it targeted a three-story house.

Photos captured by Mondoweiss during the funeral of the martyred Jaber showed injuries to members of the Nur Shams Brigade who were present inside the house that was bombed and survived the assassination attempt..........more.........

 just when you thought the terror was over;


 larry johnson being former cia has a unique view of life here in the empire's 'embrace';

Someone created a faux New York Times editorial board headline today that encourage Joe Biden to launch a drone strike on Donald Trump. While intended as bitter irony, I am sure there are many anti-Trumpers who nodded approvingly at the suggestion. I also am certain that there are many countries around the world chortling over the spectacle unfolding in the United States because, in the past, they have been targeted with harsh rhetoric and sanctions for failing to uphold what U.S. officials deemed to be the values of democracy. The United States has now earned the right to Shut the Fuck Up! We, referring to my fellow citizens, no longer have the moral standing to lecture any other government on human rights or election integrity. We are like a raging alcoholic trying to enforce a no-drinking-beer campaign on others. We would be better off joining Alcoholic Anonymous and getting our own act together.

The United States and the Democrats are facing several disasters. First, Democrat efforts to use questionable legal tactics to derail Donald Trumps campaign have backfired. Instead of making him a toxic pariah, Trump’s popularity has soared, especially among the Black community (men at least), who readily identify with him as a target of an unfair, corrupt judiciary. Trump is beating the “man,” (i.e., English slang for the establishment).

Second, plans by some of the Democrat elite to persuade Biden to drop out of the race and let some other Democrat ride to rescue and save the party is running into trouble. Joe Biden’s handlers — principally his wife — are insisting that Joe will be the candidate and that people calling for him to resign should go to hell. If Joe refuses to go, the Democrats are screwed because it appears that Joe has Parkinson’s Dementia and the prognosis is grim.........more.........

 dr jeffery sachs is emerging as a real expert on much of what's transpiring in our political/war struggles;

Ukraine can only be saved at the negotiating table, not on the battlefield. Sadly, this point is not understood by Ukrainian politicians such as Oleg Dunda, a member of Ukraine’s parliament, who recently wrote an oped on this site against my repeated call for negotiations.

Dunda believes that the U.S. will save Ukraine from Russia. The opposite is true. Ukraine actually needs to be saved from the U.S.

Ukraine epitomizes Henry Kissinger’s famous aphorism, “It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.”

Thirty years ago, Ukraine was embraced by America’s neoconservatives, who believed that it was the perfect instrument for weakening Russia. The neocons are the ideological believers in American hegemony, that is, the right and responsibility of the U.S. to be the world’s sole superpower and global policeman (as described, for example, in the Project for a New American Century’s 2000 report, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”).

The neocons chose three methods to push U.S. power and influence into Ukraine: first, meddle in Ukraine’s internal politics; second, expand NATO to Ukraine, despite Russia’s red line; and third, arm Ukraine and apply economic sanctions to defeat Russia.

The neocons whispered a sweet fantasy into Ukraine’s ear back in the 1990s: Come with us into the glorious paradise of NATO-land and you’ll be safe ever after. Pro-European Ukrainian politicians, especially in Western Ukraine, loved the story. They believed that Ukraine would join NATO just as Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic had in 1999............more.......

 the empire's arrogance has created more problems for them and parts of the world than might be obvious;

Is not President Putin’s purpose in visiting North Korea and Vietnam now clear in the context of the Eurasian security architecture project?

There perhaps was a momentary shrugging-off of slumber in Washington this week as they read the account of Sergei Lavrov’s démarche to the U.S. Ambassador in Moscow: Russia was telling the U.S. – “We are no longer at peace”!

Not just ‘no longer at peace’, Russia was holding the U.S. responsible for the ‘cluster strike’ on a Crimean beach on last Sunday’s Pentecost holiday, killing several (including children) and injuring many more. The U.S. thereby “became party” to the proxy war in Ukraine (it was an American-supplied ATACM; programmed by American specialists; and drawing on U.S. data), Russia’s statement read; “Retaliatory measures will certainly follow”.

Evidently, somewhere an amber light flashed hues of pink and red. The Pentagon grasped that something had happened – ‘No going around it; This could escalate badly’. The U.S. Defence Secretary (after a pause since March 2023) reached for the phone to call his Russian counterpart: ‘The U.S. regretted civilian deaths; the Ukrainians had full targeting discretion’.

The Russian public however, is plain furious.

The diplomatic argot of ‘there now being a state of betweenness; not war and not peace’ is but the ‘half of it’.

The West has ‘lost’ Russia much more profoundly than is understood......more......

 the empire is toast and you can recognize that by 'reading the tea leaves' so here are some of those leaves;

Andrey Sushentsov, the leading professor at the Russian Foreign Ministry’s MGMO University, and one of Russia’s top geostrategists, headlined on June 28th, “Why the Russia-US conflict will outlast the Ukraine crisis: Moscow must look at Washington as a long-term threat”, and he opened:

The desire of the US to dominate and its refusal to see other countries as equals, willing and able to assume equal responsibility for peace and stability, is the short answer to the question of why Moscow-Washington relations cannot get out of the current state of crisis. This attitude also leads the US to the same difficulties in its relations with China, India and even some of its own allies, such as Turkey. 

The Russian and Chinese position is buttressed by the principle that peace is the result of compromise between the major centers of power, and that without their mutual agreement – without equality, mutual respect, a willingness to recognize each other’s interests, and adherence to the principle of non-interference in internal affairs – a stable order is impossible. The US believes, however, that peace is a deterministic given, and that no special effort is needed to maintain it. This leads to paradoxical solutions: the more weapons, the more peace. The West is not yet ready to become just one of the Atlanteans holding up the sky. It still believes it should be in charge. …

All of that is correct, and the reason why it is, is that ever since George W. Bush became America’s President in 2001, the U.S. Government has been ruled not only by neoconservative (i.e., pro-U.S.-imperialistic) Presidents, but by U.S. Congresses whose seats have been filled more than 95% by fellow-neoconservatives; and, as a consequence, America now spends more than $1.5 trillion each year on its military (half of which is funded outside of the U.S. Defense Deprtment so as to fool the world to think that it’s instead only around $900 billion per year), while its federal Government’s debt has risen by $5 trillion in the past four years, which is only $1.25T per year, which is only 83% as much as the nation’s annual military expenses are, which means that all other expenses by the U.S. federal Government will inevitably soon be reduced each year by around $250 billion per year. Those non-military annual expenses constitute $5T ($6.5T minus $1.5T), so that from now on, the non-military part will be reduced by 5% ($.25T/$5T) each year, or else the growth in the federal debt will be $1.5T per year instead of $1.25T per year, or else the current $1.5T U.S. annual spending on its military will be cut down to $1.25T per year, which would mean that the very top priority of the almost 100% neoconservative U.S. Government, which is its military spending, will have to become annually reduced at least by 5%, by that almost 100% neoconservative Government, which won’t happen unless there is a Second American Revolution, which replaces all of these officials by Government officials who will be like what professor Shushentsov says will be needed in order to prevent yet further build-up to a WW3 global nuclear annihilation....more...........

 sometimes you just don't know what is true but even then there are signs;

Yesterday’s assault by the Democratic National Committee on the Joe Biden campaign has failed.

Thursday night, as soon as the Trump-Biden debate had started, anonymous DNC officials contacted their usual ‘liberal media’ contacts and denounced Biden’s performance. Even those media, like CNN and MSNBC, who have for years denied the obvious problems Biden has had, jumped onto the train. Biden, they said, should retreat.

The New York Times mobilized a slew of its opinion writers to convey the message:

But Joe Biden’s wife, Dr. Jill Biden, resisted the move:

President Biden knew immediately after stepping off the stage in Atlanta on Thursday night that the debate had gone wrong. In those first stricken moments after a raspy, rambling and at times incoherent performance, he turned to his wife, Jill Biden.

The first lady’s message to him was clear: They’d been counted out before, she was all in, and he — they — would stay in the race. Her thinking, according to people close to her, was that it was a bad night. And bad nights end.........more.....