Wednesday, July 31, 2024

 eighteen minutes with redacted exploring further on the rape stories pointing at israeli soldiers;


 one minute with speaker johnson talking about the corruption he wants investigated but don't hold your breath;


 commercial real estate is collapsing and its causing a few bank difficulties;

The commercial real estate downturn is still underway, posing significant risks for investors across financial markets. CRE-linked equities, corporate credit, structured credit, and private markets all feel the impacts of major unwinds as property prices plunge. 

While headwinds from high interest rates may diminish in the coming quarters, with rate traders pricing in the possibility of the first 25bps cut as early as the mid-September FOMC meeting, the critical question is whether these projected rate cuts will be adequate to cushion the landing. 

Office tower valuations remain sloped in a downward trend, plummeting in many cases, as vacancy rates soar as remote work trends keep white-collar workers out of the office and at home. These imploding values remain a massive threat to regional banks, with the CRE crisis likely to persist through 2025. 

X user Triple Net Investor offers a sobering reality of the CRE space. He closely follows the space and noted dozens of recent valuation declines for malls, towers, and multi-family properties. .....more.......

 its a kamala coverup;


 will this be enough for the brits to begin removing their 'migrants';


 it seems like every day we see more allegations against the palestinians by the israeli's and then the iraeli's proceed to do the very thing, even more heinous, that they accuse others of;

They lied about mass rapes so that they could systemically rape.  They lied about beheaded babies so that they could kill babies.  They lied about “human shields” to shield themselves while killing civilians.  They lied about being victims so that they could victimize others.

Today in Every Accusation Is A Confession, the same nation which has spent ten months calling Palestinians rapists without evidence has found itself dealing with rioters supporting the right to continue the systemic and extensively evidenced rape of Palestinian prisoners.

When Israeli police detained nine IDF soldiers on accusation of sodomizing a Palestinian prisoner so brutally he couldn’t walk at the notorious Sde Teiman prison in southern Israel, protests erupted from far right activists in defense of the soldiers with the backing of multiple officials from the Netanyahu regime. The rioters were so aggressive that they actually broke into the Israeli military base where the soldiers were being questioned in an attempt to free them.

Asked by the press about the rape accusations, US State Department Deputy Spokesman Vedant Patel refused to say whether gang raping Palestinian prisoners would be considered a war crime, even if conclusively proven.

The western press are refusing to even use the word “rape” in reference to the allegations, with the BBC describing the soldiers as standing accused of “severely mistreating a Palestinian prisoner” and the New York Times describing it as “suspected abuse”.......more.......

 the kamala will certainly be ramping up the entertainment value of the 'campaign' in ways i don't think she intends;

Kamala Harris wasted no time going after the Second Amendment. She vowed to confiscate firearms through so-called ‘red flag’ laws.

“We, who believe in the freedom to live safe from gun violence will finally pass universal background checks, red flag laws and an assault weapons ban!” Harris said to cheers.

There is no such thing as an “assault weapon.”


the orange man is getting more confrontational it appears; 

Less than three weeks ago, President Donald Trump barely survived an attempted assassination at his political rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

President Trump and two other supporters were injured in the gunfire. Another Trump supporter, Corey Comperatore, was killed by the would-be assassin.

Since that time, the media has swept this historic event under the rug.

And there is now evidence that the security team assigned to his rally were lackluster at best and even worse!

We now know that the Secret Service would not allow communications with local police prior to the shooting. We also know that the police spotted the suspect 90 minutes before the shooting started. And the building the shooter was perched upon was left unattended after the police got too hot and went inside............more........

 an x video featuring the israeli supremes arguing that its ok for joos to sodimize 'goys';


an x video on kamala and gun policies;


 larry johnson doesn't believe the fbi or the ss and their stories about the shooting;

WARNING — There are some graphic images of the dead shooter later in this article. If you are bothered by such pictures I encourage to exit this post.

The Secret Service and the FBI are not telling the truth about who shot Thomas Crooks, the failed assassin of Donald Trump. You can see in the photo above this paragraph (follow the yellow arrow) the location of Thomas Crooks’ body. It is about five feet below the ridge-line of the roof. The following photo confirms the location (see inside the red circle)..........more...........

 the border and the biden gang, intentional as you may know;

President Joe Biden’s border policies can’t be attributed to mismanagement or incompetence, former acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Tom Homan said at the Republican National Convention recently. “It’s a choice. It’s national suicide.”

Homan, who has a more than 30-year career in law enforcement, began his career as a Border Patrol agent in 1984. After 34 years, he became the first director of ICE, twice, who “actually came up through the ranks,” he said. “I worked for six presidents, starting with Ronald Reagan. Every president I’ve worked for said they were going to secure the border. President Trump actually did it.” 

He also repeated what he has said numerous times: Trump “created the most secure border in our history” and cited his successful border policies.

Under President Trump, we cut illegal immigration by 90%, the lowest level in 45 years,” he said. “Deportations rose to the highest level ever, including historic numbers of illegal alien gang members and criminals. Most importantly, four years under President Trump, we had 13 people we arrested on the Terrorist Watch List, [under] Joe Biden, 381,” he said, referring to those who illegally entered between ports of entry at the southwest border.

The total number of known or suspected terrorists who were apprehended under the Biden administration is much higher, over 1,700, with the greatest number coming through the northern border, The Center Square first reported. The greatest number of illegal border crossers have entered the U.S. while Biden’s been in office of over 12 million, including two million who evaded capture, known as gotaways, The Center Square first reported. Law enforcement officials estimate the gotaway number is underreported by between 10 and 20 percent and say they have no idea how many, who or where they are.........more..........

 an israeli specialty: rape of males by males and this is a two for one;

The Israeli Defense Force soldiers accused of raping a Palestinian detainee at the Sde Teiman military base in southern Israel are claiming they "acted in self-defense."

"They're claiming they raped the detainee in self-defense," Tariq Bhatt commented on Twitter, highlighting an excerpt from a Times of Israel report. "And that tells you everything you need to know about Israel's 'right to defend itself.' ".......more.........

The Israeli lawmaker from the ruling Likud party, Hanoch Milwidsky, said that “everything is legitimate” when asked whether it was justified to rape Palestinian prisoners. “To insert a stick in a person’s rectum, is that legitimate?” asked Ahmad Tibi, a Palestinian lawmaker…. “Yes! If he is a Nukhba everything is legitimate to do to him,” screamed Milwidsky back. Maktoob Media

Israel has crossed all lines of barbarism and savagery. This a new level of depravity. Abdi, Twitter

On Monday, Israeli extremists broke into an IDF military base in Beit Lid to protest the detention of nine Israeli reservists who allegedly tortured and sodomized a Palestinian prisoner in their custody. The chaotic disturbance within the building was captured on video and widely circulated on Twitter. (See here) The mob was enraged by the fact that military personnel could be held accountable for the brutal and inhuman treatment of Palestinian detainees. They believe that any punishment meted out to Palestinian prisoners –however cruel and barbaric– is both warranted and justifiable. As numerous people have noted on social media, the protestors were essentially defending the right of the reservists to rape Palestinian prisoners. That is the only conclusion one can draw from their behavior.....more........

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

 thirty three minutes with ivor cummins and eddie hobbs on fixing media corruption;


 just saw the parody and rushed to post it here. then discovered i lost the link and this tv news bit is the best intro i can find to wet the appetite of those who know how to search better than i. its an elon created, or at least published, kamala campaign ad. i'll keep looking and repost here if i succeed in finding it;


more about it here;

 there  are two links below from this michael yon newletter post i got in email subscrip and repost here for your consideration. as for the shooting, until some substantial timeline and such, like for jfk arrives for me to hang my hat on, i've seen too much evidence and some of it conflicting to the point i'm the mule between two stacks of hay, deliberating;

To be clear, I still see no clear, unambiguous evidence this was an assassination attempt. The red stuff on his ear may be blood. Or may not be blood.

And to be clear, no serious sniper or Trump would allow someone to shoot his ear. But a rifle in a vice could safely fire a bullet nearby (say 10 feet away) to create the desired acoustic signature.

Some people have told me Trump would never allow this. Why not? It’s already been established Trump is a superhero with indomitable courage.

We drive by giant trucks coming opposite direction on two-way roads on a normal basis. We eat foods from unknown origin in novel restaurants staffed by people we never see and servers whose names we do not know. We fly in airplanes maintained by unknown people with unknown parts and piloted by people we rarely meet. Doctors we never knew before operate with knives inside our bodies, and trusting-millions take deadly jabs of unknown provenance pushed by globalists.

It’s not hard to imagine a rifle in a vice and It’s easy to imagine the stage trick was not the assassination but in putting Trump into the untouchable status to imprison Americans with biometric IDs, and truly mandatory death jabs and social credit scores.

I do not know. But I do know all the evidence I have seen so far could go either way.

 we once had a wide menu of independent media of all varieties. now we have a corporate media whose only focus seems to be support of the democratic onslaught;

The stunning events of the last several weeks have highlighted the great weaknesses in the corporate media, an essential part of modern America’s political system. They have, as they constantly remind us, a vital role to play. But they betrayed that role by their open partisanship.

For one brief shining moment, it seemed as if the media would live up to the promise of Adolph Ochs, the founder of the modern New York Times: “to give the news impartially, without fear or favor, regardless of party, sect, or interests involved.” In the month after President Biden’s disastrous debate performance, the media raised and vigorously pressed the questions about his fitness for office that had to be addressed for the good of the country.

Yet this spasm of critical curiosity about the fitness of our Democratic president turned out to be just an interlude. Everybody can remember that right before the debate the media (including the New York Times, which later called for Biden to leave the race) were saying that Biden was fine and questions about his decline were based on out-of-context video clips, labeled “cheap fakes” by the White House press office. But now that Biden has left the race, the media have reverted to their usual lack of interest in anything that sheds negative light on the national Democratic Party.

There is certainly no lack of material. In the wake of Biden’s withdrawal from campaigning, it would be no exaggeration to call this an administration mired in scandal. Besides the voter dissatisfaction over the failures of the last three and a half years, three new developments loom like shadows over the Biden-Harris White House..........more.........

 i never imagined that you could do this with a bass guitar;


caitlin has opinions that are mostly undeniable and here is more;


Saying a US politician is “bad on foreign policy but good on domestic policy” is like saying “Sure my husband spends his weekends murdering hitchhikers, but he’s a good provider and he knows how to fix a flat tire.”

Another annoying thing about US presidential elections is how all the liberals start babbling in unison about “foreign policy” and “domestic policy” like they’re two equal things which should be compartmentalized and separately considered.

“Okay sure, Kamala is bad on foreign policy with her support for what’s happening in Gaza and all, but she’s a lot better than Trump on domestic policy,” you’ll hear them say with increasing frequency and urgency.

Leaving aside the arguments one can make that Kamala Harris is actually quite bad on domestic policy, this separation of “foreign policy” and “domestic policy” is a dishonest talking point which only resonates with sloppy thinkers, and arises from a rather ugly underlying worldview.

Splitting up “foreign policy” and “domestic policy” on questions of right and wrong only makes sense if you believe harming foreigners is more morally acceptable than harming Americans. “Kamala is bad on foreign policy but good on domestic policy” just means “American lives are innately superior.” It can only feel true from the inside of an American supremacist worldview......more........

 we live in a time where nothing is clear for too many reasons to list. the political scene is reminiscent of professional wrestling with each candidate shouting insults at the other in a manner which reminds me as in said wrestling games.  anything has been happening that in years past no one would or could imagine with more on the way i'm sure;


As Jim Hoft reported over the weekend, X owner Elon Musk shared an epic parody video of Kamala Harris.

The AI-generated video, put together by the account @MrReaganUSA, highlights Harris’s strengths,” including her being the “ultimate diversity hire,” a “deep state puppet,” her word salads, her imitation of Barack Obama, and more.

Thanks to Musk, Mr. Reagan’s hilarious parody has racked up over 130 million views. Below is the video for those who have yet to see it...........more.....

 a series of images/memes that google won't allow on their own here but as a bundle its all good, eh;


 this fourth turning has its gears lubricated by the motherwefers. the schwabbies brought us uncountable numbers of new 'guests' in europe and here. this x video explains some of the price;


 we're in a fourth turning which this x video explains;


 there are many 'conventions' being broken this go round and here's another;

MSNBC recently spoke to a focus group of black voters on the subject of Trump and Kamala Harris. It didn’t seem to go the way the far left network was expecting.

The members of the group were asked if any of them knows a black man who is planning to vote for Trump and every hand went up.

Then the journo leading the group asked if Kamala Harris entering the race changes that. They all said no.

Townhall reported:

It’s anecdotal, but MSNBC has held some focus groups that have been brutal to Kamala Harris. In Wisconsin, swing voters are worried about her involvement in a cover-up regarding the decline of Joe Biden’s health. It’s a character issue. What else is she willing to hide if she’s willing to conceal these developments? CNN spoke to a Georgia voter who shared the same sentiments. Now, this group of black men were asked if they knew other members of their community who intended to vote for Donald Trump. They all raised their hands.

When asked if Kamala Harris taking the top spot on the Democratic Party ticket has changed anything for them, none of them said yes. The cancer of identity politics seems to be contained to college-educated white women who have become insufferable, even to self-identified liberals. Sure, some non-white progressives espouse this nonsense, but it’s a wholly white progressive invention as they’re the most intense on these issues.

Watch the video below:.........more........

 larry johnson speaks with nima about much of this but the question still unclear is if the shooting was a dance of the incompetent or an actual conspiracy;

I sat down in front of the computer on Friday, as usual, with Nima. This is a relatively short video. I have an angry rant in the opening segment about FBI Director Christopher Wray. He is incompetent and should be fired. Hopefully, Donald Trump gets that chance. Subsequent to last week’s hearing, where Wray suggested Trump was hit by shrapnel, the FBI was forced to walk it back. There are still some professionals in the FBI, but they are not in leadership positions and, because of the politicized leadership, the reputation of the FBI is shredded.

Ukraine has as much credibility as Christopher Wray. The Ukrainian military continues to suffer devastating losses while Russia continues to make significant progress in securing control of the republics of Donetsk and Luhansk. New reports indicate Russia has massed 100,000 soldiers north of Sumy. Is this another feint to force Ukraine to redeploy forces from other battles in the south or is Russia prepping an op that will target Kiev?.........more.........

 if you don't see the problems here centered on 'our pal' bibi you might be a part of the problem;

In one of the most shameful displays in Congress’ history, Israeli Prime Minister delivered a speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday. 

The speech was heavy on militarism, racism, and lies so brazen that even the mainstream American media caught some of them. Netanyahu paraded one Muslim and one Ethiopian IDF soldier, bragging about how many Palestinians they killed in a shallow effort to refute the idea that Israel is a racist, apartheid state. 

He lied about Israel targeting Palestinian civilians, which it has done to an unprecedented degree; about the ratio of civilians to combatants killed in Gaza; and the death toll in Rafah. These were all obscenities, a display of genocide denial in the halls of Congress on par with the worst deniers of the Holocaust. Even worse, this denial was done by the murderer himself, while still committing the heinous crimes, and the lies were greeted with standing ovations and cheers from the members of Congress on hand to witness this.

Netanyahu even dug up long-debunked lies about October 7, stories of babies burned alive, and babies killed while hiding in an attic. These have been debunked by Israeli sources, but that didn’t stop Netanyahu from repeating them to a welcoming crowd of Islamophobes and anti-Palestinian racists in Washington. 

As expected, he also claimed the large numbers of protesters outside his speech were financed by Iran, bolstered by the false and wholly unsubstantiated recent testimony from the U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines. .........more.......

only an empire in rapid decline could be this stupid i think but then remember there are too many unexplained contradictions in this world. and then remember that the empire is and has been genocidal to lesser degrees several times, so perhaps its a case of like birds flocking together; 

There is only one country in the world right now, in the midst of Israel’s slaughter in Gaza, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is guaranteed dozens of standing ovations from the vast majority of its elected representatives.

That country is not Israel, where he has been a hugely divisive figure for many years. It is the United States.

On Wednesday, Netanyahu was back-slapped, glad-handed, whooped and cheered as he slowly made his way – hailed at every step as a conquering hero – to the podium of the US Congress.

This was the same Netanyahu who has overseen during the past 10 months the slaughter– so far – of some 40,000 Palestinians, around half of them women and children. More than 21,000 other children are reported missing, most of them likely dead under rubble.

It was the same Netanyahu who levelled a strip of territory – originally home to 2.3 million Palestinians – that is expected to take 80 years to rebuild, at a cost of at least $50bn.

It was the same Netanyahu who has destroyed every hospital and university in Gaza, and bombed almost all of its schools that were serving as shelters for families made homeless by other Israeli bombs.

It was the same Netanyahu whose arrest is being sought by the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity, accused of using starvation as a weapon of war by imposing an aid blockade that has engineered a famine across Gaza.

It was the same Netanyahu whose government was found last week by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to have been intensifying Israel’s apartheid rule over the Palestinian people in an act of long-term aggression.

It was the same Netanyahu whose government is standing trial for committing what the ICJ, the world’s highest judicial body, has termed a “plausible genocide”.......more.......

 orban knows what is going on but he's speaking to the somnambulant who can't or won't see. much the same is reality in the 'western' world but until they see the fire they won't believe the smoke;

In Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech at Tusványos in Romania, he focuses on the intractable differences developing between the East and West of Europe, with immigration one of the key divisions. He not only rejects the Western view on immigration, but sees it as an agenda with a very specific ideology behind it, which is designed to erode the nation-state entirely.

“But Westerners, quite differently, believe that nation-states no longer exist. They therefore deny that there is a common culture and a public morality based on (the nation-state). There is no public morality, if you watched the Olympic opening yesterday, you saw it. So, they also think differently about migration. They believe that migration is not a threat or a problem, but in fact a way of getting rid of the ethnic homogeneity that is the basis of a nation. This is the essence of the progressive liberal international concept. That is why the absurdity does not occur to them, or they do not see it as absurd,” he said.

He said that this contrast between East and West is playing out through war and the movement of peoples, saying that while hundreds of thousands of Christian people are killing each other in the East, “in the West of Europe, we are letting hundreds of thousands of people into a foreign civilization, which is absurd from our Central European point of view.”

This dramatic ideological cleavage is not a “secret,” according to Orbán. He said that the documents and policy papers coming out of the EU shpw that the “clear aim is to transcend the nation.”

“But the point is that the powers, the sovereignty, should be transferred from the nation-states to Brussels. This is the logic behind all major measures. In their minds, the nation is a historical, or transitional, formation of the 18th and 19th centuries — as it came, so it may go. They are already in a post-national state in the Western half of Europe. It’s not just a politically different situation, but what I’m trying to talk about here is that it’s a new mental space.”......more........

 an x post with a great question;


 one example among many in this x post displaying one small part of why i don't facebook;


 thirty second x video on one womans intro to immigration, and there have been many more that didn't end this well, if indeed this one did. this is said to have taken place in spain but could have been in any european land infected by the mob of invading 'immigrants' or even here as we're now seeing similar things, courtesy of 'our' government. and then often its a crime to report the crime;


 the question on everyones mind who has one, is demonstrated in this article. as you know since the dems have succeeded in their 'election games' the past few runs, we're sure to see more this go round. question becomes will it be realistically opposed;

So the question everyone is thinking is why did the people accept the false election of Joe Biden in 2020 and the strange inauguration in January 2021. Those who stood up in 2021 on January 6th were falsely imprisoned, denied their rights, tortured and had medical treatments withheld.

What was the difference? The people in Venezuela have suffered more than Americans. We accepted the lies of the media, government and military. Four years later and we have suffered but not as much as Venezuelans.

If the election is stolen again, we too can fight the evil in this country. The question is whether we will stand up for our Liberty or accept evil. Most of us have pondered this question but this is our last chance. I hope the true patriots in the military are watching Venezuela and realize what their oath to uphold the Constitution means.

David DeGerolamo.......more.........

 the new world order/motherwefers are descended from a long line of efforts towards what we're now seeing. the foundations of a one world government is in the process of attempted installation and we still don't know the outcome..........;


(Corbett Report) Earlier this year I wrote about "The Globalist's SECRET Message!"

If you read that editorial, you'll know the "secret" message turns out to be remarkably open and shockingly frank: "There are too many useless eaters out there and it's time to get rid of them!" (SPOILER: You are, in the globalists' estimation, just such a "useless eater.")

So, we already know about the technocrats' plan for global depopulation. Now, how about their political action plan? How is it that these enemies of humanity propose to organize the polities of the world as they send us to the slaughter pen?

Why, as it turns out, that plan isn't much of a secret, either! In fact, its creators have written and talked about it extensively and out in the open. Want to hear about it? Let's take a look.

Cecil Rhodes............more.......

e Globalist Blueprint For A Planetary Regime In Their Own Words

Despite the notion of a new world order being derided as mere conspiracy theory, decades of publicly available documents and statements prove that the idea is more than just a pipe dream for the ruling class.

The Globalist Blueprint For A Planetary Regime In Their Own Words

Despite the notion of a new world order being derided as mere conspiracy theory, decades of publicly available documents and statements prove that the idea is more than just a pipe dream for the ruling class.

 you already know that there will be no real investigation of the shooting because there will be things like this to take the place of realty and few if any of the holes in the entire scenario will be explained in clear terms;

Two reference points for the dog that didn’t bark.

(1) Not a single, not one – ever, joint press conference by investigative authorities of the Secret Service, DHS, FBI, Local SWAT and State Police. Not a single press conference, to update and reassure the American public.  WHY NOT?

(2) Not a single interview with the family of Thomas Matthew Crooks (20). No media satellite trucks camped outside the residence. No man-on-street efforts, nothing. WHY NOT?

The United States Government led by Joe Biden, in combination with the IC, DHS, FBI and their media cohorts, want this failed effort, dismissed, diminished and forgotten.

Take from those two empirical and factual datapoints what you will. Trust your instincts.

Today, the House of Representatives, led by Speaker Mike Johnson and Hakeem Jeffries, announced they are assembling a “Task Force,” top men, to investigate the attempted assassination of President Donald J Trump. [Politico]

WASHINGTON – Speaker Mike Johnson and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries rolled out members of a bipartisan task force Monday to investigate the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

“We have the utmost confidence in this bipartisan group of steady, highly qualified, and capable Members of Congress to move quickly to find the facts, ensure accountability, and help make certain such failures never happen again,” Johnson and Jeffries said in a joint statement.

The task force will be led by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.), who represents Butler, Pennsylvania, the site of the shooting at a campaign rally.......more......

 joos are about two percent of america's population but occupy a larger than two percent position of power and influence and many are also citizens of israel, who like schumer say their first allegiance is to israel;

"The problems, mostly, come from the Jews. The Secretary of the Treasury is a Jew. The Secretary of State and the Deputy Secretary of State are Jews. The Secretary of Homeland Security is a Jew. The CIA Deputy Director is a Jew. The Attorney General is a Jew. The Director of National Intelligence, Chief of Staff, Office of Science and Technology Policy director, Deputy Secretary of Health and National Security Agency Cybersecurity Director are Jews. Wall Street Finance, mainstream media, Hollywood and entertainment are in the hands of Jews. As Netanyahu told Congress yesterday, every Jew is a Zionist, a defender of Israel. And every American who is not a defender of Israel is an anti-semite." - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

 another example of israeli treatment of palestinians that fully displays a part of israeli crimes;

Iyad Awad was adamant that he must look after his mother.

In May, Israel dropped leaflets on Jabaliya refugee camp, northern Gaza, demanding that its residents leave.

Iyad helped members of his family to evacuate. But he remained at home with his mother, who had Alzheimer’s disease.

“When the [Israeli] army entered the house, they asked me why I did not leave,” he said. “I told them that I was with my sick mother and we could not go anywhere.”

An Israeli soldier then instructed Iyad to accompany him as the invading troops conducted a search of the multi-story building where Iyad lived.

The troops handcuffed Iyad.

“I told them that my mother needed someone to take care of her,” he said. “A soldier told me that he would bring me back to her.”

After hours of being away from his mother, Iyad walked a few steps. The Israelis shot him in the side of his body.

He was taken to hospital, where he underwent surgery.

Following the operation, Iyad was brought to Sde Teiman, a military camp in the Naqab desert.

The conditions there were unsanitary.

“There were more than 30 of us using one bathroom that was only cleaned once a week,” he said.

During approximately 70 days of detention, “I could not shower, cut my nails or change my clothes.”

“The quality of the food was very poor,” he added. “They would bring us a piece of toast with jam.”

Despite having been wounded, Iyad did not receive any medical care in the military camp. Apart from paracetamol, he was not given any medicine.

“I slept on the floor,” he said. “There was no mattress or bed.

“The temperatures were very high. It was as if you were lying on a hot plate.”

When Iyad was eventually released, he learned that his mother had been left to die.

“The neighbors found her dead on the bed” after Israeli troops had withdrawn from Jabaliya, he said.

As they had been unable to make contact with him, other members of Iyad’s family had assumed he had been killed.

“They were surprised when I got out of prison that I was alive,” he said..........more........

don't know for sure what they're accused of but in another article on the same case rape was mentioned, and i've seen lots of pics of palestinian prisoners face down on the ground, naked, with various items stuck up their butts. then again i've seen other israeli abuse pics as well but this is the first time i've seen an arrest of a joo for doing so; 

Dozens of Israeli protesters, including far-right members of the Knesset, have clashed with military police after at least nine soldiers suspected of abusing a Palestinian prisoner were detained for questioning from the Sde Teiman detention facility in southern Israel.

The protesters waved Israeli flags and stormed through the facility’s gate on Monday to try to prevent the soldiers’ detention as they chanted “shame”. They defended the soldiers, saying they were doing their duty. Several Israeli civilians rushed to lend support to the soldiers, according to media reports.

Some unsuccessfully tried to break into the facility. One soldier was quoted as saying by the Haaretz newspaper that some members of the military directed pepper spray at the military police who came to detain the soldiers.

Demonstrators also tried to breach the Beit Lid military base, where the soldiers were transported, according to local media.

The Israeli military said on Monday that it was holding nine soldiers for questioning after allegations of “substantial abuse” of a detainee at the Sde Teiman facility, which was set up to detain Palestinians arrested in Gaza after Israel launched its war on the enclave on October 7.

The military did not disclose additional details surrounding the alleged abuse, saying only that its top legal official had launched a probe. But Israeli media reported that a Palestinian prisoner was taken to a hospital after suffering severe injuries, adding that he could not walk........more.........

and this.............more..........

and in this israeli lawmakers debate the legality of rape or other mistreatment......more.........

Monday, July 29, 2024

 i know. i'm past my own imposed limit but when you get to the conclusion of this monday kunstler it may be obvious why i felt compelled. the notice of, danger, 'will robinson', as it were;

“The kids are hooked on wokeness now. They’d be better off with cigarettes.” — Ian Miles Cheong on “X”
Did we just witness the suicide of Wokery? I think you saw what’s called, in the argot of progressive thinking, the “queering” of the Olympics. That was some spectacle. First, Death on a Pale Horse came galloping down the Seine River so that no one would miss the point of the symbolism to follow: the beheaded Marie Antoinette portrayed singing in the window of a flaming palais (revolution anyone?). . . . Then, a tableau vivant of DaVinci’s The Last Supper “queered” to-the-max with a tattooed land-whale in the Jesus seat offering a Satan hand-signal among the swaying drag queens, plus one child ostentatiously in the mix (say, whu?). . . followed by a blue Dionysius crooning about nudity (“Nu”) on a giant fruit platter, with his ball-sack clearly on display among the cherries and nectarines. . . . It rained. . .tant pis. . . . The power went out and Paris ceased to be the City of LightFinis. . . .........more.........

 i got past my intended limit of posts at 24, and the following ones seemed worthy enough but this george galloway interview with prof wolfe is certainly excellent;


 the media, unburdened by what was, and is, as she says, is doing its best to sell you a fictional version of the kamala;

Once again, the Democrats are offering up a woman candidate for president. And once again, it is an unlikeable candidate who owes her career to a far more skillful male politician. In Hillary’s case, it is her husband, Bill, a charismatic personality adept at the game. In Harris’s case, it was her lover Willie Brown who boosted her up the ladder and showered her with expensive gifts.

To say that Kamala Harris had an affair with a man more than twice her age, leveraged his fundraising prowess and connections to launch her political career, and once in office did his corrupt bidding isn’t sexist. It’s well-grounded in fact.

When in 2019 Harris ran for president, she was highly promoted by the media but drew little support and dropped out quickly. The Los Angeles Times said she never should have even entered the race.

And she couldn’t connect with voters because of the core weakness in her candidacy: a lack of cohesive strategy and clear personal convictions. There was no evidence of the political soul needed to guide her toward public policy she felt strongly about...............more...........

 a two minute video featuring a woman who is awake but not woke;


 i posted this video spoken about here recently so you can compare that with what is charged here to gain perspective on the situation. its the last post yesterday;

Detention follows complaint over film shown to crowd at march in central London on Saturday.

Tommy Robinson has been arrested under anti-terror laws, according to his social media account.

It comes after a film was allegedly screened in contempt of court during a protest in London.

A post on X said: “We can confirm that Tommy Robinson has been detained by police using powers afforded to them under the Terrorism Act 2000.”

“That’s right, you read that correctly, Tommy is being held by police using counter terrorism legislation.”

A complaint was later made over a film which was allegedly shown to the crowd in breach of a High Court order, with police saying officers were making further inquiries.

Mr Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley Lennon, also on Saturday afternoon posted a one hour 45 minute film on X, in which he said he had previously avoided publishing the video because he was “scared”......more.....