Monday, September 18, 2023

 the video rebel returns with information you usually don't find elsewhere and in this case about the ukie game;

That would be Orthodox Christmas January 6, 2024. This would be the most advantageous date for Putin. Everyone in Russia with a surviving son, husband, brother or father would at least get a phone call giving them the best possible news, “I am alive and coming home.” And for the Ukrainians, it would be an end to their nightmare.

Predicting what Putin will do next in the Ukraine is exasperating because he is so cautious. Putin is under  a lot of pressure from his military to put an end to the situation in the Ukraine. He also has first round presidential elections scheduled for Sunday March 17, 2024.

Another factor forcing Putin’s hand is the weather. The word for the day is Rasputitsa. In October and November rain and snow turn the top 10 to 15 feet deep of the soil into mud as Napoleon learned. Rasputista in its Ukrainian version can be literally translated as roadlessness. December is the snowiest month and the temperatures do not get above freezing so there is no snow melt. In short, good tank weather begins in December.

A third factor is the assistance Putin will receive from North Korea which will arrive in November. Millions of artillery shells will allow Russia to fire 100,00 artillery rounds a day versus 3,000 a day from the Ukrainians. And most of the latter are cluster rounds which cannot damage a Russian tank with reactive armor. He will also be receiving the Korean KN 25 MLR (Multiple Launch Rocket.) It has a range of 380 km (240 miles.) And the warhead is 300 kg (661 pounds.) The North Koreans had planned to use it against air bases in the South in case of war. Russian engineers will soon improve it.

Putin’s best option is to seize a few hilltops in Sumy district which is directly west of Kharkov. His forces can use artillery, missiles, guided bombs and drones to cut Kharkov and the northern Donbass off from the electrical grid at Sumy. They can also sever the rail lines coming from Kiev so the Ukrainians receive no supplies. Then Putin can use Rasputitsa to his advantage. Without railroads the Ukrainians will be forced to send supplies by truck. During Rasputitsa the only alternative routes would be on clearly defined paved roads, as dirt roads will be impassable for trucks with even moderately heavy loads.........more.......

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