Monday, September 18, 2023

 pcr details some of the insanity now being practiced in cali where children that don't yet know how to tie their shoelaces are being given the right to change their sex and if parents object the kids can be taken by the state;

The anti-American sexual perverts who dominate the California State Assembly have made it impossible to be a parent in California

Paul Craig Roberts

California public schools supported by taxes on property owners  teach California kids that it is possible to be born into the wrong body, and the schools implant the idea that many girls are really boys and many boys really girls that ended up in the wrong physical configuration.  Consequently, an entire industry has grown up to change the sex of children.  Boys are chemically castrated and given female hormones. Girls have their breast cut out and are given male hormones.  Quack “transgender science” against nature proceeds apace.

The public schools have created a fad among children that the thing to do is to change one’s sex.  This brings the child attention the child might not get from a two-parent earner family created by taxes and feminism. By the time busy parents working to stay ahead of mortgage and car payments catch on to what is going on, it is too late.

To prevent any intervention by parents the California State Assembly has passed a bill that gives the state the right to seize kids from parents who don’t support the “transition” of their kids into the opposite sex.  The bill says that if a parent objects to the sex change of a child, the child is endangered and can be seized into the state’s protection........more........

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