Saturday, September 23, 2023

 i think that this is a phenomenal number of guns to loose;

It’s entertaining when the Mexican government chirps up, complaining about weapons that flow across their northern border (frequently facilitated by US government agencies). Sure, the drug cartels that actually run our neighbor to the south find ways to move acquire firearms up here and move them south, but when your own military “loses” about one-third of their guns they’ve been entrusted with, the Mexican regime doesn’t have a lot of room to talk.

Which brings us to…Philadelphia. The City of Brotherly Love is doing its level best to become the next Chicago. They may not have elected (yet) a doctrinaire socialist who wants to further defund the police and open city-owned food stores, but give them time. They’ll probably get there.

The city’s feckless mayor and Soros-backed prosecutor who’s never seen a criminal he’s wanted to prosecute love to inveigh against the Founders’ original sin of protecting individual gun rights. The problem is never the rampant recidivism, the decarceration, the zero bail, or the flash mobs looting stores. As always…it’s the guns.

So when it’s revealed that Philly Sheriff Rochelle Bilal had “lost” 101 guns, it’s hard to take anyone in city government seriously. The Sheriff said she’d found most of them, but that was apparently just the usual bureaucratic ass-covering.

From . . .

According to the City Controller’s Office, the Sheriff’s Office stated during the 2024 budget hearing with City Council that all but 20 of their original 101 missing service weapons had been found. The Controller’s Office said they weren’t provided the necessary documentation to support those claims when they did a follow-up investigation, however. 

The missing weapons include 71 handguns, four semi-automatic handguns and one shotgun, according to the Controller’s Office. 

The Controller’s Office said another review in August 2021 accounted for 16 of the original missing guns. The Sheriff’s Office provided sufficient proof for nine weapons as part of their most recent review, leaving 76 still missing, according to the Controller’s Office.

What are the odds that some of these mysteriously missing firearms somehow found their way into the hands of local gang members and other assorted miscreants?

Philly has had north of 1000 shootings so far in 2023. But the people who continually blame the city’s problems on law-abiding gun owners and try to further restrict their rights are the very same people who can’t account for dozens of duty guns they’ve been entrusted with. It’s all probably just an accounting problem. They’re sure to turn up any day now..........

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