Tuesday, December 4, 2018

who owns america, sent by a friend and i post it here for your exploration;

Nothing is as it seems…
Somehow, we have all been conditioned to believe that what once was shall always be. We believe that we are a free people, guaranteed our God-given rights declared in the constitution. We believe that when we vote, we are electing representatives of we the people, whom once elected become public servants. We believe that the house in which we live and the land on which we settle is our land, free and clear of our government’s tentacles. And we believe that the laws for which we allow ourselves to be governed by come from a legitimate law making body, with checks and balances and constitutional oversights.
But what if the above perceptions are in fact false?
And what if the reality is that the United States doesn’t even exist at all?
What indeed…
According to Executive Order 12803, signed by George H.W. Bush in 1992, The District Of Columbia – Washington D.C. (neither a state nor a part of the United States) was given the authority to privatize most or all of the infrastructure within the United States. This means that the federal government, or the corporation that acts in lieu of a federal government, can sell any city’s “assets” which were built with tax-payer monies including:.............https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2010/05/09/who-owns-america/

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