Our owners encourage you to agree to the following;
I won’t oppose any authority.
I will consume endlessly.
I will believe everything the “official” media describe.
I will accept all regulations even though I didn’t vote on
I will work longer hours and accept higher bills.
I will continue accepting the false promises that
advertising presents.
I won’t protest in any form.
I will continue to accept wars and poverty.
I will continue to accept corruption and rule by a rich
I will continue to believe that I can’t make a change.
I will suppress my true self to fit into this materialistic
I won’t stand up for what I believe to be right.
I will argue that this is just the way it is.
I will do what I’m told.
Ongoing methods towards Americanfascism;
Name a threat.
Establish secret prisons.
Develop paramilitary forces.
Spy on ordinary citizens.
Arbitrarily detain citizens.
Target key individuals.
Control the press.
Label dissent treason.
Weaken the rule of law.
Disarm the citizens.
Most people don’t have time to investigate every government claim.
Even with the big ones; people don’t have time to re-think them in detail. They
sense the personal cost, knowing if they ever discovered that they’ve been lied
to deliberately, they’d lose faith in government. It’s like abandoning your
religion; the costs are high. To abandon faith in the official line means
admitting that you had previously fallen for a grand deception. You were played
the sucker. You were, in Lee Harvey Oswald’s words: a “patsy”.
“Your government” claims the right to take over your
relationships with your children or with your spouse. They’ve forcibly set
themselves as the judge of your marriage; they took the right to steal your
children and to force you to do business, or not do business, with whomever
they specify. The claim of the intruders; “We’re doing this for your own good” doesn’t
change the fact that they’re controlling your relationships by force.
Having come from a family correctly split by court order due
to abuse I still find it crazy to imagine that outsiders have any right to
control our families, yet that’s what’s done to us. We allow this because once
people see official abuse as normal, and everyone around them accepts the
“official crime”, they do too.
Harriet Tubman, escaped slavery, and then made dozens of
trips back into slave territory and freed hundreds more, wrote: If I could have
convinced more slaves that they were slaves, I could have freed thousands more.
If it was hard to convince Southern slaves that they were slaves, this problem
is significant. People can come to see nearly any type of abuse as normal and
once they do, they usually defend their previous choices. Agents of the status
quo always resort to intimidation and confusion. The answer to these abuses is
moral clarity.
The state clearly inserts itself into our relationships by
force. What holds people back from facing this obvious conclusion is fear. Not
so much fear of punishment, but a fear of facing the truth within ourselves.
Neither our marriages nor our families, not to mention
business relationships, are really our own. An armed referee stands above them,
carrying a permanent threat of force. How well could you raise your children
with an armed neighbor following you around and enforcing their will?
This isn’t a wild example; it differs from reality only in
that the enforcer’s presence is in your mind, rather than in physical form and
if the enforcer is notified, he will show up in physical form. Children are
stolen from parents nearly every day, and not just when the parents are
monsters. We all know this, and fear of the enforcer is very real to us.
The sort of law now existing in America provides two
categories of persons: Those above the law: “our government” and its agencies,
including NSA, FBI, DOD, etc.; Wall Street and government contractors who are
never prosecuted for their crimes; the rich who are politically connected and
can succeed legally against anyone simply by throwing money at lawyers, and you.
Everyone else is below the law, living in constant fear of getting sued and stripped of their savings, or arrested, intimidated into accepting a plea bargain, and locked up. You can now be detained indefinitely without charge, kidnapped from anywhere in the world, transported to a “black site” and tortured. You can be put on trial without being informed of the charge and convicted based on evidence that is kept secret from them. Your communities can be placed under martial law without cause and you can be shot on sight without provocation of suspicion of wrongdoing.
Everyone else is below the law, living in constant fear of getting sued and stripped of their savings, or arrested, intimidated into accepting a plea bargain, and locked up. You can now be detained indefinitely without charge, kidnapped from anywhere in the world, transported to a “black site” and tortured. You can be put on trial without being informed of the charge and convicted based on evidence that is kept secret from them. Your communities can be placed under martial law without cause and you can be shot on sight without provocation of suspicion of wrongdoing.
In an ideal world, cops would do nothing except protect
people from thieves and attackers. In the real world, however, far more
injustice, violence, torture, theft, and outright murder have been committed by
“law enforcement,” than has been committed in spite of it.
Watch some documentaries about some of the atrocities
committed by the regimes of Stalin, or Lenin, or Chairman Mao, or Hitler, or
any number of other tyrants in history. When the jackboots are about to herd
innocent people into cattle cars, or gun them down as they stand on the edge of
a ditch, and then ask yourself, “When should you shoot back?” Keep in mind; the evils of those
regimes were committed in the name of “law enforcement” And as much as the
statement may make you squirm, history would have been a lot less gruesome if
there had been a lot more “killers” around to deal with the state mercenaries
of those regimes. Ask an American Indian if you can find one.
Voting is meaningless and will change nothing. The
corruption is too deep. The existing crap must be removed before there’s a
chance to put this country on some sort of sustainable path. That won’t happen
through “voting” but in the streets, on future battlefields, within our borders.
The entirely predictable implosion of our corrupt financial system will be the
trigger. It might happen tomorrow or it might happen in five years, but it will
People around the world are waking up to the manipulations
and deceptions of the “official American story”. Instead of stopping their lies,
our Empire’s imperial masters keep pumping up the lies. They must really think
we’re stupid and in many cases they’re correct. Then again, if they can
convince us that 19 pseudo-Muslims led by a terminal kidney patient in Afghanistan
could outwit the world’s most advanced air defense systems and blow up three
buildings with two planes, they have good reason to think we are stupid enough
to believe almost anything.
We live in an expanding police state built on government
inspired paranoia.
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