Sunday, December 16, 2018

once again i suspect the russians have done this but we'll have to wait till some official individual arrives to make that clear to us, perhaps while handing out cookies;

Still Waiting in Vain for Victoria Nuland to Join French Protests With Cookies

"Today, Emmanuel Macron, 40, the former Rothschild investment banker known as “president of the rich” by his countrymen, is facing the prospect of an early political demise, no less than Viktor Yanukovich faced in 2014"
Unlike the 2014 Ukraine uprising, which witnessed invasive meddling on the part of US politicians and diplomats, Western support for the French Yellow Vest protests has been conspicuously missing in action.
The streets of Paris are ablaze for a fourth weekend in a row, as a swarm of Yellow Vests assert themselves against a French government which, they argue, has become increasingly detached from the cares of ordinary citizens. Yet support among Western capitals for the protesters is nowhere to be found.
This is a bit odd since the ‘gilets jaunes’ are not just protesting Macron’s (rescinded) plans for a fuel tax, but have releaseda list of 42 demands they want to see implemented. This includes an increase of the minimum wage, pensions and wages, as well as a halt to illegal immigration into the country. In other words, these are not anarchists roaming the streets of France, but regular citizens who have had enough. And the movement enjoys a high level of support among the French, with one poll showing 72 percent siding with the protesters.
The US and its allies will have trouble explaining their tone-deafness in the face of these legitimate concerns on the part of millions of French citizens. Their icy silence reveals glaring double standards and hypocrisy since the West rarely misses an opportunity to interfere in the affairs of foreign states – mostly in the Middle East – when ‘democracy’ is purportedly on the line...........

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