Thursday, December 20, 2018

it seems a large number of us are waiting for this ship to blow up and sink. we've been anticipating it for some time but now the engine room is on fire and the crew, including the captain, have all taken to the lifeboats.
the stock market has finally given up and rolled over. much of the world is laughing at us, not to include those we're currently bombing and otherwise doing our best to destroy. the fracking crowd is looking at the current low oil prices and realizing how much they're losing. the dollar is being abandoned as the world currency. europe is without leaders that have any respect from their citizens and are dealing with the refugees american actions have created. and then there's the circus 'our free press' focuses upon here in the empire. the russians are responsible for every bad thing that happens to us because we're without fault or blemish and certainly couldn't be responsible for our actions. this in part due to our obeying our masters: israel, in whose direction we aim all of our policies, it seems. now its against the law to oppose israel in half of the country and will soon be in the rest. the list is endless and i could, and do, go on about these things but it seems a good day for steam relief.

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