Monday, December 3, 2018

i believe i've reposted all of this site's work since i began this blog effort, and here's one more for you to consider;

“I just hope I get to be rich enough so that one day I won’t have to suck on any more Jewish dicks.”  Marilyn Monroe shortly before her murder.
“Anti-Semitism is a disease–you catch it from Jews”–Edgar J. Steele, some time before his judicial murder.
Matt Lauer was on NBC’s Today show for 20 years. Towards the end of his career he was making $20 million a year. One of the perks of his job was that a button was placed on his desk so the Jewish man could electronically lock his office door and bar the escape of any Gentile woman who refused his advances.
So how did Jewish men get so much unchecked power over Gentile women?
It began in 1913 with the rape and murder of Mary Phagan in the basement of a pencil factory in Atlanta Georgia. The ADL was founded to prove the innocence of Leo Frank. To this day they claim the black janitor, Jim Conley, was guilty. But racist white Georgia cops did not think so. The ADL attempted to get the Grand Jury to indict Conley but they refused. Frank’s attorney cross examined Conley for 16 hours to no avail. Frank’s legal defense team was accused of attempting to bribe and intimidate witnesses. The ADL was formed after Phagan’s murder and raised money to get Leo Frank’s death sentence commuted.  A well organized crew of men in 8 cars broke into the prison. They cut telephone lines and drained the gas from prison cars. They drove at 18 mph to Marietta where Frank was hanged. Many were prominent men of the day..........

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