Tuesday, December 18, 2018

every tuesday i go to this site for a random collection of excellence and here is a snip from this weeks presentation;

From the Z Man's essay on the trial of James Fields, the person who drove his car into a crowd of left-wing rioters in Charlottesville:
 There is no civil way forward and that means thinking different. The people who rule over us, whether you wish to use archaic terms like Marxist or socialist, or you like neologisms like cosmopolitan globalists, they do not see themselves as bound by the letter of the law, because they see themselves as the spirit of the law.
Whatever comes next next is not going to happen within the old system. It is too corrupt and too compromised. That’s the great lesson of the last year. In a lawless age, one has to let go of the law in order to avoid the law... If the current slide into darkness is to be arrested, it will happen because what comes out of the shadows is strong enough to stop it.
From PA World and Times:
 The illegal alien who killed the beautiful White woman Kate Steinle went free. James Fields was convicted of premeditated murder over a fat SJW’s unrelated death of a heart attack..............http://woodpilereport.com/

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