Monday, September 16, 2024

 larry johnson says there are assassins running about;

Within the last 48 hours, individuals with close ties to Ukraine have carried out two assassination attempts. The first was a failed “character” assassination, with yours truly as the target. The second, once again, targeted former President Donald Trump with an AK-47 rifle (known in Democrat circles as an assault rifle). Both attempts were botched.

Let’s start with me. I think it qualifies as “character assassination.” The Voice of America published a hit piece on me late on Friday the 13th, written by Leonid Martynyuk. It’s title? Russian state media amplify ex-CIA analyst’s false claims to promote pro-Kremlin narratives.

And I thought I was a nobody. An insignificant pimple on a gnat’s ass. Nope. According to Martynyuk, I am the man driving Russia’s narrative and keeping Vladimir Putin’s spirits up. Martynyuk provides a fascinating overview of my ubiquitous presence in the Russian media:

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Russian state media have cited Larry C. Johnson in hundreds of news articles and TV reports. They frequently present his views on the Russian-Ukrainian war and the West’s role, referring to him as a former CIA analyst, despite his short tenure with the agency more than 35 years ago. The Kremlin uses Johnson’s often false and misleading claims to promote pro-Russian narratives and improve its image.........more.........

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