Saturday, September 14, 2024

 mr peters tells you about a frame up eventually defeated;

A man – sober – is pulled over by an armed government worker who says he is driving too slowly and changed lanes without signaling. The man was driving through Loveland, Colorado trying to find an address – which is why he was driving below the 45 MPH speed limit, in order to be able to read street signs. He changed lanes – without signaling – to get out of the way of the AGW who was following him. Who then pulled him over.

Almost immediately after pulling him over, the AGW asks the man: “How much have you had to drink tonight?” The man declines to answer the question, thereby affronting the authority of the AGW. Who then claims that  he “smell(ed) the overwhelming odor of alcohol” – which is interesting in view of the fact that a Blood Alcohol Test established that the man – Harris Elias – had not been drinking any alcohol at all. He “blew” a 0.00 after his arrest – for “drunk driving” – and this finding was confirmed by the blood-draw test Elias was subsequently forced to take after the breath test did not produce the wanted result........more......

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