Wednesday, September 18, 2024

 pcr has some bad news for you and its only gonna get worse;

Springfield Ohio Is Just the Beginning

Why Is “Our” Government so Against Us?

Paul Craig Roberts

Why does the US government hate the American people? Why does the US government try to destroy us?

The Anti-White American Democrats are Incapable of Understanding that an illegal alien does not become part of a national community by unlawfully entering it, any more than a thief becomes an owner of property by stealing it.

What has happened to America when the entirety of the media, the entirety of the Democrat Party, the entirety of the universities, Homeland Security (sic) not only welcome but also facilitate the immigrant invasion that is overrunning the United States while Washington, abandoning its own borders, fights for Ukraine’s?

The national print and TV media describe the over-running of Springfield by immigrant-invaders as a restoration of a declining city, restoring property values, and enriching the culture. Every bit of information to the contrary is dismissed as fake news.

Wake Up White People. Your Existence Is Being Erased.....more.........

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