Tuesday, September 17, 2024

pcr speaks about the use of law for population control and it certainly has taken a turn in recent years;

The Process of Overturning the January 6 “Insurrectionist” Convictions Has Begun

Did you see this story reported in the whore American media?

Paul Craig Roberts

Last summer the US Supreme Court in Fischer v. United States overturned the key element in the Justice (sic) Department’s prosecutions of American patriots who attended the Trump rally and were accused of insurrection. The Supreme Court said that the prosecutors misinterpreted the law in a way that “would criminalize a broad swath of prosaic conduct, exposing activists and lobbyists alike to decades in prison.”

You can ask yourself whether these “prosecutors” are all incompetent DEI appointees or whether they are active agents selected for the purpose of purging and intimidating patriotic conservative Republicans, especially white ones.

As I reported at the time, the Supreme Court ruling exposed the DOJ to its illegitimate convictions being overturned.

The overturning has begun. A few days ago on September 9 the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia threw out convictions for “obstructing an official proceeding,” a charge brought by an incompetent or corrupt Justice (sic) Department against American citizens who walked in file escorted by police around the Capitol building. The American whore media presented these Americans as “dangerous insurrectionists who threatened democracy,” and in this way built the case in the public’s mind (and the jurors’ minds) for conviction of innocent people whose rights were violated........more........

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