Sunday, September 15, 2024

 you don't have to know the things to be covered by this meeting but you can be sure it won't be something you'll wish for;

The United Nations will be meeting soon to secretly negotiate a series of pacts at its so-called Summit of the Future. The goal, in the words of the UN and its top officials, is to establish the framework for a new one-world “system” tailored to the digital age in a restructured world.

No matter how they try to dress it up with euphemistic buzzwords — spouting off promises of more equality and a world that’s more inclusive, more efficient, and more resilient — this new system will not be a friend of freedom.

The Exposé notes that there is no lawful authorization for delegates to vote on any of the pacts being negotiated — the so-called Pact for the Future, the Declaration for Future Generations, the Global Digital Compact or what UN Secretary General António Guterres is calling Our Common Agenda.

The Summit of the Future is a high-level United Nations summit scheduled for September 22 and 23 in New York City, with “action days” being held on September 20 and 21. The summit will culminate in the adoption of a “Pact for the Future.”

My gut tells me this Pact for the Future will be a pact with the devil.

Leaders from UN member states will attend the summit to reaffirm their “unwavering commitment” to the UN, its charter, its principles and its Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. They will vow to submit to all UN agencies including the World Health Organization and the International Court of Justice. All of this is designed to move us towards what the UN is calling a “reinvigorated multilateral system better positioned to impact people’s lives positively.”

We must ask ourselves: When has the UN “system” ever impacted our lives in a positive way?......more......

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