Tuesday, September 17, 2024

larry johnson speaks about the remarkable houtis and zionists; 

My Monday conversations with Judge Napolitano and Nima are posted at the end of this piece. We need to focus on events in the Levant. Yesterday’s Houthi missile strike in Israel is something new and dramatic — a game changer. When I spoke with Judge Nap early in the day, I did not have any specifics on the distance and time travel of the missile. I do now, and the facts — if true — are astonishing. The Houthi missile traveled 1200 miles in eleven minutes. How fast is that? Six thousand six hundred and sixty six miles per hour. That, boys and girls, is a hypersonic missile.

The speed of sound, at sea level, is 761 miles per hour. A hypersonic missile is something that travels at least five times the speed of sound. Do the math. The Houthi missile was traveling at least NINE times the speed of sound. That means it was a hypersonic missile.

Neither the United States nor Israel, to my knowledge, have an operational hypersonic missile. So the question is, where did the Houthis get this missile. The Houthis claim they built it. While I do not doubt their tenacity and resourcefulness, Yemen does not have the scientific and engineering infrastructure required to create and manufacture a hypersonic. Russia does and, according to reports published a year ago, so does Iran...........more..........

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