Tuesday, September 17, 2024

 the author calls this: options;

The illegal Deep State administration is running out of time and options. They are getting desperate as their second attempt to assassinate Donald Trump has failed. Here are some of the options that are under consideration:

  1. Assassinate Donald Trump to prevent his second term which will be dedicated to removing and holding the traitors accountable. How will the American citizens react to this option: apathy, civil war, civil unrest and vigilante justice are the main considerations.
  2. Start WW III. Ukraine is on its last legs as Russia mops up in Kursk. Yemen and Lebanon are providing resistance to the US and Israel with the support of Iran. North Korea and China are also in play. Wargaming which option will ignite the war through a false flag or direct attack does not matter as long as a war erupts: one flashpoint will ignite the rest.
  3. Economic collapse. That is already happening and the American people are not reacting except through indignation. A bank holiday may change their minds but this will not stop the elections from occurring.
  4. If elections are held, only massive voter fraud will enable a Harris win. People will not accept another fraudulent Presidential election but how they will react is not known. The federal government will not allow states to secede but if the Constitution is invalidated, what will be stopping them?
  5. If elections are held and Trump wins, the Deep State will coordinate massive civil unrest throughout the country. Terror cells invited into the country by Biden and DHS will be activated. How much damage could be done before Trump is inaugurated in January?

There are other scenarios to consider including combinations of the above. The only certainty is that our lives will be changing in the next few weeks. I pray for discernment, Sacred honor and justice for our people. That will only happen if we turn back to God, pray for forgiveness and follow his Word...........https://ncrenegade.com/options/

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