Wednesday, September 18, 2024

 in many areas i hear predictions of a repeat of the last two 'fixed selections';

We will be outlining some data and research analysis to help further spotlight the current dynamic.  In the interim there is value in considering one specific facet of the 2024 election mechanisms, PLAUSIBILITY.

There will be attempts to interject ballot fraud into the 2024 election, specifically from key regions which have increasingly been accepted as labeled, the Clyburn network.  For the activist leadership on the Obama/Clyburn side of the system, the issue of plausibility is a serious point of discussion.

They need the election outcome to remain close in the psyche of the American electorate.  Only if the election is proclaimed to be “close,” and only if the larger American electorate will accept that foundation, can those who are injecting fraudulent ballots continue to operate with success.  Discussion of factual realities that contrast that “close election” narrative generate high-velocity interest.  This CBS segment discussing Nevada is one of those viral moments.........more.......

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