Tuesday, September 17, 2024

 caitlin has some predictions about the upcoming 'selection';

This is not democracy. This is plutocracy. This is oligarchy. We’re just indoctrinated into calling it democracy, by the very same mass-scale psychological manipulations they use to keep it from being a democracy.

The election in November will be rigged.

This election rigging will not be done by Russia, or by China, or by Iran, or by far right coup plotters, or by some shadowy cabal tampering with voting machines. It will happen right out in the open, and will be perfectly legal.

In fact, it’s already happening.

This election is being rigged by the donor class. It’s being rigged by lobby groups. It’s being rigged by the plutocrat-owned mass media, and by plutocrat-controlled Silicon Valley algorithm manipulation. It’s being rigged by obscenely wealthy people who can afford to extract political favors in exchange for massive campaign donations in ways normal members of the public never could. It’s being rigged by people who’ve bought up so much narrative control in the form of media ownership that they can set agendas for the entire country in ways the average voter has no chance of ever doing..........more.........

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