Thursday, September 19, 2024

 the queen of irony, the hildabeest, makes herself clear, and perhaps we're better off for it cause it will cause a few more to realize what a beast she is;

Hillary Clinton took to radicalized faux journalist Rachel Maddow’s show one day after the second Trump assassination attempt to encourage violence against the former president. “The press needs to create a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is,” Clinton told Maddow. The Democrats are blatantly encouraging violence and dividing our nation.

Clinton took her statements a step further by suggesting that American citizens should be jailed for exercising their First Amendment right of free speech if their words happen to sympathize with Donald Trump. The Steele Dossier and Russian collusion hoaxes carefully crafted by Clinton have been long disproven, yet Clinton is relentless in attempting to revive that narrative. “There were Russians engaged in direct election interference and boosting Trump back in 2016, but I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda, and whether they should be civilly or criminally charged would be something that would be a better deterrent,” Clinton said............more.......

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