Monday, September 18, 2023

 tried to include more of this to post here but the msn programming got in the way so at the more link, there is more;

If we know that division is the other side’s major tactic to keep us from organizing, let’s recognize it and not fall victim to it. I have noticed an increase in the comments concerning negative or divisive tactics on this site. I posted an article concerning Elon Musk and the negative comments came. If you do not know his story, here is a snippet. While Musk is more like Tony Stark than John Galt, no one can question his determination and success without ulterior motives or jealousy.

The above is just one example. Here are some of the other favorite topics used to divide us:

  1. Race
  2. Religion
  3. Orange Man bad
  4. Standing down or standing down
  5. Leadership
  6. Ukraine
  7. Voting
  8. Communists
  9. Political party
  10. Aliens ...........more.........                                                         

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