Thursday, September 14, 2023

 the reality of israeli crimes are becoming more well known and pcr speaks some of that here;

The Former Director of Mossad, the Israeli CIA, said that “Israel is an Apartheid State”

Paul Craig Roberts

“In a territory where two people are judged under two legal systems, that is an apartheid state.”  — Tamir Pardo 

When President Jimmy Carter said Israel was an Apartheid State, the Jewish members of the Carter Center resigned and ADL branded President Carter an anti-semite. 

Pardo seems to be a realistic public figure. He  agrees with me when he declares:  “A country that has no border has no boundaries.”   When President Trump stresses the importance of borders, he is labeled a “white supremacist” by Democrats and the whore media.

Netanyahu’s party quickly declared the former head of Israeli intelligence to be an anti-semite.

Give a moment’s thought to Pardo’s statement:  “In a territory where two people are judged under two legal systems, that is an apartheid state.”  A two-tiered legal system is being officially created in California by the Democrat California legislature.  I don’t know if the Woke governor has signed the bill into law, but the law requires blacks to be punished less than whites for the identical crimes.  This is a violation of the 14th Amendment.

Indeed, the 14th Amendment has been violated for more than a half century by “affirmative action,” a euphemism for black racial privileges in university admissions, employment and promotion.  The story is told in my book, The New Color Line. 

Second class citizenship was imposed on whites  by other whites and by EEOC bureaucrat Alfred W. Blumrosen, not by blacks.  Insouciant white Americans have accepted their second-class citizenship for more than a half century.  Indeed, they now regard their diminished rights as normal.  And, apparently, justified if a recent poll is correct that 53% of Americans believe white people are “systemic racists.” 

Nothing better illustrates our doublespeak world than the equation of second class citizenship with “white privilege.”.......

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